FPÖ – Kickl: “Professor Bhakdi is a shining light for freedom and health for billions of people!”

2024-04-12 23:55:05

Full house at the “Back to Normality” evening with FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl and Professor Sucharit Bhakti, the “living legend of Corona policy”

Vienna (OTS) – “Dear friends – Or I’ll make it a little more personal and warm: Dear swearers!”, opened FPÖ federal party chairman NAbg. Herbert Kickl gave the “Back to Normality” lecture evening with the world-famous doctor Sucharit Bhakdi in a Vienna hotel. Kickl took the opportunity to thank all those who, in these difficult hours of the Corona period, “upheld humanity and charity, defended and protected fundamental rights and freedoms, and courageously represented and loudly demanded the self-image of science as speech and counter-speech , even though they were all insulted, humiliated, excluded, persecuted and fought once morest for it. Everyone has a story to tell. You didn’t give in. And that’s why I’d like to take this opportunity

bow with respect and full recognition to these courageous and indomitable people – no matter where they took part in this fight for freedom, health and justice and continue to do so today and never grow tired.

Kickl also saw today’s event as a strong message to dark and sinister forces in this country and beyond who now want to cover their tracks and are already busy with the next attack on people’s dignity. His message was clear: “You won’t get away with this! Because our motto is: education, responsibility, reparation, justice and ‘Never once more!’. This goal binds us together, just as it united us once morest compulsory masks, lockdowns, compulsory tests and compulsory vaccinations. I promise you this ‘Never once more’. This is a sacred promise. And I am so popular with my political opponents because I tend to keep my promises.”

There were also times for Herbert Kickl when he was at the end of his strength during the Corona period. However, the many encounters and conversations with people who had the same experience, as well as the shared experiences at the demonstrations, gave Kickl a boost of energy and strength not to give up and keep fighting.

The FPÖ chairman described the world-famous doctor Professor Sucharit Bhakdi as a very special source of strength: “You are a shining light of freedom and health for billions of people. You are a living legend and a hero. They stand for the right corona policy – right from the start. You woke up and awakened many people. With your statements and publications you have freed many people from the chains of manipulation and paternalism. You were and are one of the few sighted people among the blind. They see science as knowledge rather than as a creed. They represent empathy and warmth. There is a love that radiates from you and people notice that. And what I personally admire regarding them is their calm and composure, their peaceful nature, which shatters the hatred, meanness, ignorance and stupidity of their opponents. Long live freedom, truth and justice!”

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Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ)

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