FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “Almost 23,000 asylum applications in the first half of the year are evidence of the total failure of ÖVP Interior Minister Karner!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-30 11:40:10

Only a “Fortress Austria” puts a stop to illegal mass immigration

Vienna (OTS) “Almost 23,000 asylum applications in the first half of the year alone are no reason for celebration, but rather a testimony, cast in figures, of the complete total failure of this unfortunate black-green federal government and of ÖVP Interior Minister Karner, who continues to let illegal mass immigration into the country unchecked. His alleged ‘asylum brake’ and other bullying announcements are thus unmasked for what they really were from the start: hot air from the ‘ÖVP PR kitchen’. A ‘Fortress Austria’, as we Liberals have been demanding for a long time, is therefore indispensable and the only way to put a stop to this ‘new migration of peoples’!”, FPÖ General Secretary NAbg explained today. Michael Schnedlitz on the asylum figures published by the Ministry of the Interior. An immediate stop to asylum, real protection of our borders including push-backs, benefits in kind instead of money and overall a de-attractivism of Austria as a destination country for illegal immigrants are long overdue.

With around 112,000 asylum applications in the previous year, Nehammer, Karner and Co. were responsible for “the catastrophe year of illegal mass immigration par excellence in Austria’s history”: “Therefore stand up today and, like ÖVP Interior Minister Karner, pat yourself on the back for that that there has been a slight decrease in the number of asylum applications compared to this catastrophe year is cynical and a mockery of the Austrians. Because they are the ones who have to pay the price for the black-green failure with their security, their tax money and the loss of their right to a home!”

Only the liberals would stand by the population and seek solidarity with the citizens against illegal mass immigration. “For the ÖVP it is obviously normal that in half a year almost 23,000 illegal immigrants come to Austria. But certainly not for us liberals and the majority of the population. That is why there needs to be a complete reversal of the thrust in asylum and immigration policy, which is only possible with a liberal government and a people’s chancellor Herbert Kickl!” said the liberal general secretary.

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Liberal Parliament Club
01/ 40 110 – 7012
press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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