Game Porting Toolkit 1.0.2 for macOS Sonoma: Boosted Performance and Notable Improvements

2023-07-06 03:22:18

Date 7/5/2023 11:22:18 PM (MENAFN- Youm7) The latest version of macOS Sonoma from Apple introduces the Game Porting Toolkit that helps developers port their Windows games to the Mac, although the tool is still in its infancy. Beta, but it has received an important update, version 1.0.2, which boosts performance. The latest version of the Game Porting Toolkit, Beta 1.0.2, is a huge improvement over the previous version, and while Apple hasn’t released any official notes about what’s changed, Mac developers note Several notable improvements. One of these is the Rosetta font label in the stats panel during gameplay, which now shows “v0.2”, a change from the previous version. The latest version of the toolkit has a smaller file size of just 27.9MB, which is an improvement from the original version of 53.4MB. Nat Brown, Apple’s toolkit manager, posted updates mentioning fixes for 32-bit support, rendering, and general stability, as well as some performance improvements. Although the team initially intended to include changelogs, it They didn’t have enough time before the weekend. According to YouTuber Andrew Tsai, “Elden Ring” running on the M1 Max saw a 20% improvement between releases, while “Arkham Knight” showed similar performance levels before and after the update, but may vary It depends on the game and the chip used. The new toolkit allowed “Cyberpunk 2077” to run at almost twice the frame rate on the high-end M2 Urtla. Previously, some games would sometimes crash when playing videos with certain codecs, however after the update, this has been resolved These issues and games should now work properly in most cases.Youtube user has had some issues with Game Porting Tool on Apple’s M1 Urtla and M2 Urtla chips, some games run more smoothly on less powerful chips, this may be due to using chips Urtla UrtlaFusion technology to merge a maximum of two SIMs into one, and the tool may not have full support yet.MENAFN05072023000132011024ID1106560702 Legal Disclaimer: MENAFN provides information “as is” without any representations or warranties. ..whether express or implied.This is a disclaimer of our responsibility for the privacy practices or the content of the attached sites within our network, including photos and videos. For any inquiries regarding the use and reuse of this information resource please contact the above mentioned article provider.

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