“Gorbachev was not perfect, but he cared deeply about preventing a Third World War”

  • Steve Rosenberg
  • Publisher, Moscow

3 hours


Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev were married for 46 years before his death in 1999.

BBC journalist Steve Rosenberg interviewed former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev five times over 20 years. In this account, he recounts their most intimate conversation, in which Gorbachev -who died this Tuesday at the age of 91s- revealed how the death of his wife Raisa affected him, and they even sang together while the reporter played the piano.

It is March 2013 and I am interviewing Mikhail Gorbachev at his think tank in Moscow. After half an hour, the former Soviet leader announces “Vsyo!” (“That is your destiny!”). He gets up, but seems in no hurry to say goodbye.

So, we continue chatting. Gorbachev has just published the last volume of his memoirs, which is dedicated to his late wife Raisa. She died of leukemia in 1999. They had been married for almost 46 years, and from the tender way he spoke of her, it was clear that Gorbachev missed her dearly.

He shows me the book. Page one features an entry from Gorbachev’s diary, a year following Raisa’s death:



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