Health Network” Supplementing Group B also needs to prescribe the right medicine. Nutritionist: I want to refresh myself and eat “these” – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

If you want to boost your energy, you can eat more nuts and supplement vitamins related to energy metabolism, such as B1, B2, B3, etc. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]I often hear the phrase “eating group B can boost the spirit”, but what kind of B can boost the spirit? Dietitian Peng Yishan said that the B group is a collective name for a group of vitamins. There are 8 types in total, which are related to the nervous system, skin, energy metabolism, red blood cells, etc., and B1, B2, etc. are related to refreshment. You can eat more nuts, eggs and other foods to get Replenish.

Peng Yishan’s Facebook fan page “Love Health Nutritionist Shanshan“Mentioned that each vitamin B has different functions, and a vitamin B does not have only one function, and the dosage and absorption rate need to be taken into account when supplementing, but she said that B group is commonly found in various foods, as long as With a balanced food intake, there is basically no problem of vitamin B deficiency.

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Group B functions are divided into 3 categories

Peng Yishan divides the functions of group B, which are most frequently questioned, into the following three categories: refreshing, maintaining the nervous system, and preventing anemia. The B group that needs to be ingested for different requirements is also different.

●I want to refresh myself: Choose vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 related to energy metabolism, eat nuts, eggs, milk, etc.

●Maintain the nervous system: Choose vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12 to improve nervous system health, eat chicken, pork liver, fish, etc.

●Prevention of anemia: Choose vitamins B6, B9, B12 related to red blood cell health, eat citrus, spinach, yogurt, etc.

Although group B is commonly found in all kinds of food, the current diet of Chinese people is not good.National Health Administration Whole Grain Whole Grain Diet Special ArticleIn addition to ingesting enough fruits, vegetables and dairy products, choosing the right whole grains is also a major point of ingesting B group. He mentioned that the staple foods that are often eaten, such as rice, white noodles and other refined grains, although they can be Provides calories, protein, and satiety, but because these grains have had their bran and germ removed, their nutritional value is greatly reduced.

Lin Shihang said that in terms of nutritional value, brown rice is nearly 5 times higher in vitamin B1 and nearly 6 times higher in B3 (nicotinic acid) than white rice. He suggested that in addition to brown rice, black rice and grain rice are also good. Choose, or change part of the starch into unrefined multigrain potatoes, such as sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc. When choosing bread, you can also choose whole wheat bread, multigrain bread, etc., because the vitamin B group content of whole wheat flour is much higher than white flour.

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