Henry Kissinger’s change in Ukraine’s stance, Saudi Arabia’s “de-dollarization” attitude is positive

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Kissinger delivered an online speech at the Davos Forum Figure GJ

Kissinger’s positive attitude towards Ukraine’s change in Saudi Arabia’s “de-dollarization” Two trends at the Davos Forum have attracted attention

Source: Xinmin Evening News

Although it is called the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, geopolitics and global order are still one of the most watched topics in Davos, and the speeches of the participating politicians have also become an important signal for the outside world to grasp the future trends of the world.

It was found that former US Secretary of State Kissinger changed his previous attitude of opposing Ukraine’s entry into NATO, and for the first time expressed his understanding of Ukraine on the issue that directly triggered the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Saudi Finance Minister Jadan’s positive statement on the “de-dollarization” of trade has triggered a new round of concerns in the US media that “dollar hegemony” may become a thing of the past.

Does not exclude Ukraine from “joining the treaty”

“Ukraine’s joining NATO would be an appropriate result.” The 99-year-old former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said surprisingly at the Davos Forum. And just a week ago, his new book published still upheld his consistent position once morest Ukraine’s joining NATO.

In the view of this senior geopolitical expert, the previous objection was because it was foreseeable that Ukraine’s joining NATO would inevitably trigger a strong reaction from Russia; the change now is because the war has already begun, and the idea of ​​“Ukraine neutralization” is no longer realistic. significance.

However, although the Western media has packaged Kissinger’s attitude as “support” for Ukraine’s joining NATO, it is not difficult to find that “suitability” does not necessarily mean “support” following careful reading of Kissinger’s speech.

First of all, although Kissinger no longer excludes Ukraine from joining NATO, he opposes the idea of ​​completely defeating Russia, and believes that the West should end the fighting and start negotiations when the bottom line preset before the war is reached; secondly, although “anti-Russia” At present, the West is regarded as politically correct, but Kissinger still firmly opposes the idea of ​​completely excluding Russia from the Western system. In Kissinger’s view, this is a way to prevent the escalation of the war, and it is also a plan that is beneficial to the long-term interests of the West.

The foundation of “dollar hegemony” is loose

“De-dollarization” is another topic that attracted the attention of the West at the Davos Forum.

Since the 1970s, the oil exports of Saudi Arabia and other Middle East oil-producing countries have been priced and settled in US dollars, which has become an important basis for the US dollar to maintain a strong position in the financial field. However, the important foundation of this “dollar hegemony” seems to be loosening now.

Saudi Finance Minister Al-Jadan recently accepted consecutive interviews with US media in Davos. When talking regarding trade settlement, he said that “whether it is in dollars, euros or Saudi riyals, there is no problem.” This statement was immediately interpreted by the US media as Saudi Arabia’s openness to using currencies other than the US dollar for trade settlement, and the “dollar hegemony” may be further challenged.

In recent years, the political and economic relations between China and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries have developed rapidly. In December last year, China and Saudi Arabia successively held the China-Arab States Summit, the China-GCC Summit and the Head of State Meeting, and signed an implementation plan for the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative and the “2030 Vision”.

In Saudi Arabia’s view, “de-dollarization” is an appropriate measure to deal with changes in the world’s energy structure once morest the background of the US shale gas revolution and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and it is also an inevitable choice following changes in the world power structure.

Of course, it is difficult to find answers to these questions in one session of Davos Forum. However, the emergence of these problems proves once once more that the world is indeed undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and the winners and losers are yet to be decided.Our reporter Yang Yifan

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Editor in charge: Wang Yongsheng



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