Home: Who is Tamás Sulyok, Fidesz’s presidential candidate?

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February 2024. 22. 14:32 February 2024. 22. 14:52 At home

The president of the Constitutional Court, a former lawyer, who, because of the two-thirds of the government party, can be sure that he will be Katalin Novák’s successor. It also seems certain that Sulyok will have a completely different character as head of state than the communication staff built for Katalin Novák: we can say goodbye to cleaning windows and baking cookies.

Katalin Novák’s pardon scandal

Even in the ranks of the governing parties, the fact that President Katalin Novák pardoned one of the people involved in the pedophile case in Bicske, K. Endre, caused a serious uproar. Katalin Novák and Justice Minister Judit Varga also fell into the scandal. You can follow the latest developments in the case in our series of articles.

Tamás Sulyok was born on March 24, 1956, and obtained his law degree in 1980 at the Faculty of Law and State of the József Attila University of Szeged. He started as a court draftsman at the Csongrád County Court and passed the legal examination in 1982. Until 1991, he worked as a legal advisor and then as a lawyer, first as a member of Sulyok–Japport and then as a member of the Sulyok and Ádám Law Firm.

Between 1998 and 2002, he provided the legal representation of the Szeged municipality, which was then led by Fidesz mayor László Bartha, and received HUF 400,000 per month for his work. He was also the legal representative of the real estate management company managing the city’s assets. In 2002, after the fall of Bartha, the independent mayor candidate supported by Fidesz, Balogh Elemért, was openly supported by Viktor Orbán, the South Hungarywith his signature at the request published in Elemér Balogh, whom Sulyok supported as a mayoral candidate, was himself a constitutional judge between 2005 and 2014.

It burst into the national press when, after the fall of Bartha, a small local war broke out over the operation of Szeged television. The Sulyok–Ádám Law Office provided the legal representation of the company that bought itself and then acquired management rights in the municipal television. Although the right ended up losing the battle (first two local TVs operated side by side, then it closed due to lack of money from Fidesz), the corporate law construction for obtaining decision rights was presumably developed by Tamás Sulyok. THE Hungarian Orange at that time he wrote about the fact that one of Bartha’s healthcare companies was also registered with the Sulyok-Ádám Law Firm.

Are the new constitutional judges Orbán’s people or the best in the profession?

Many consider it a “complete Fideszization” of the Constitutional Court that at Wednesday’s session of the parliament, with only three members delegated by Fidesz, the judges who are clearly considered to be close to today’s ruling party will be in the majority. We tried to examine, through the professional activities of the three candidates, to what extent these accusations can stand. The picture is complex, to say the least.

In 2000, he became the honorary consul of Austria in Szeged, a position he held until 2014. About his honorary consular duties in 2003 a South Hungarynak said that he doesn’t even know how he earned the position, “but of course he is happy that he received an invitation from a country that is very sympathetic to him to perform honorary consular duties”. Regarding his duties, he said that he primarily tries to provide assistance to Austrians visiting Hungary. According to him, “unfortunately, he was often approached in connection with tragic events, such as death, traffic accident, hospital accident, hospital care”.

Annual Public Meeting of Honorary Consuls at the Ministry of Economy and Transport Dr. Tamás Sulyok, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Austria on February 21, 2006

© Dániel Végel

In 2000, a Hungarian OrangeLászló Bartha filed a lawsuit against the paper due to the András Pikó article published in the journal Sulyok represented him as a lawyer. The lawsuit was eventually dropped.

Since September 2005, he has been a lecturer at the Constitutional Law Department of the University of Szeged. His field of research is the constitutional situation of the legal profession in Hungary, the regulation of the internal market of the European Union and the connections between legal services.

Sulyok has been a constitutional judge since 2014, nominated for the post by Fidesz. On March 30, 2015, the board elected him as its deputy president with effect from April 1. As of April 22, 2016, upon the expiration of the mandate of former president Barnabás Lenkovics, he assumed the powers of the president as deputy president, and then in November 2016 it was revealed that László Kövér nominated him as Speaker of the House for the President of the Constitutional Court.

Since November 22, 2016, Tamás Sulyok has been the president of the Constitutional Court, his mandate would have lasted until 2026.

In 2016, after the election of Sulyok, the MSZP announced that they considered the process illegal and would take legal action, as the number of members of the ad hoc committee nominating the members of the Constitutional Court did not reach the minimum number specified in the law, after socialist politician Bertalan Tóth resigned from his mandate there. With Tóth’s departure, only eight members remained in the board instead of the required nine. However, President György Rubovszky did not take this step into account, and Gergely Gulyás, who was still leading the Legislative Committee at the time, said it was absurd that there would be any problem with legality.

Tamás Sulyok was described by his former teammates in Szeged as a withdrawn person who was interested in the profession, and he was allegedly motivated by his professional interests rather than wealth or power games in his assignments in the local government. László Trócsányi was his classmate, and he has a good relationship with him.

His name is associated with the CEU decision of the Constitutional Court, in which it was established in 2023 that the Central European University (CEU) had not suffered a violation of rights despite the fact that the government practically made it impossible for the university to operate in Hungary.

Tamás Sulyok at the public meeting of the Constitutional Court on the announcement of the decision on the regulation of the MTA on November 15, 2022.

© MTI / Lajos Soós

Fidesz faction leader Máté Kocsis said before Sulyok’s announcement that it is not yet known whether the opposition parties will nominate anyone, so he cannot say when the new president of the republic will be elected.

Sulyok, on the other hand, can be sure that he will be Katalin Novák’s successor, two-thirds of Fidesz practically guarantee him this.

Due to Tamás Sulyok’s age and gender, it is expected that he will appear in public life as a completely different character than Katalin Novák. Presumably, he will appear as a recognized legal scholar, rather than Novák, who flashes with swimming across the Balaton and baking cookies.

I know that before For index he said: “I have nothing to do with political criticism, because I have never been interested in politics in my life”.

Katalin Novák resigned from the post of President of the Republic on February 10th. Judit Varga, former Minister of Justice, candidate for the title of leader of the Fidesz EP list, left public life at the same time. They fell for the fact that Novák pardoned Endre K., the former deputy director of the Bicske children’s home, who wanted to persuade the victims of the pedophile director, János V., to retract their statements against the director. You can read all our articles about the pardon scandal here.







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