Hu Henghua emphasized in the city’s self-built house safety special rectification video and telephone conference to resolutely and thoroughly investigate and rectify the safety hazards of self-built houses to ensure the safety of people’s lives and properties_Chongqing Municipal People’s Government Network

Hu Henghua emphasized in the city’s self-built house safety special rectification video and teleconference that resolutely and thoroughly investigate and rectify the hidden safety hazards of self-built houses to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property

Release time: 2022-05-08

release time:2022-05-08

On May 7, following the national self-built house safety special rectification video and telephone conference, our city held the city’s self-built house safety special rectification video and telephone conference. Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Hu Henghua attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, conscientiously implement the instructions of Premier Li Keqiang and the deployment requirements of the national video and telephone conference, and firmly establish the concept of people first and life first in accordance with the work arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and coordinate development and safety. With a sense of responsibility, we will resolutely and thoroughly investigate and rectify the hidden dangers of self-built houses, strictly prevent the occurrence of various serious and serious accidents, and effectively protect the safety of people’s lives and property and the overall social stability.

City leaders Lu Kehua and Zheng Xiangdong attended the meeting.

Hu Henghua pointed out that in recent years, self-built houses have collapsed in some places, causing heavy casualties. We must deeply learn the lessons of the accident, always maintain a high degree of vigilance like walking on thin ice, pay close attention to the special rectification work on the safety of self-built houses, thoroughly investigate hidden dangers, solve them in a timely manner, and resolutely build a safety line of self-built houses.

Hu Henghua emphasized that it is necessary to make good use of the results of the previous rectification, according to the latest requirements of the state, to improve the work plan and policy measures, and to quickly carry out the 100-day action, focusing on the self-built commercial houses with dense personnel and involving public safety, and resolutely eliminate all kinds of problems. To avoid such hidden dangers, promote the implementation of the special rectification work for the safety of self-built houses. It is necessary to comprehensively investigate and find out the bottom line, strengthen the four-level linkage of city, district, county, township (street), and village (community), and fully grasp the basic situation of the city’s self-built housing structure, facilities, fire protection, operation, environment, and safety hazards. Establish a problem ledger, assign the responsibility to the person, sign and sign it, and ensure that no one is left behind or one household is missed. It is necessary to carry out investigations, reforms, and rectification by classification. One policy for each building and one policy for each household. Immediate removal of those that should be removed, immediate deactivation of those that should be decommissioned, immediate reinforcement of those that should be reinforced, immediate preservation of those that should be sealed, and those that should be demolished. Immediately demolished, so that all dilapidated houses will be emptied according to law, rectification will be in place according to law, and investigation and punishment will be strictly according to law. It is necessary to treat both the symptoms and the root causes and make overall plans, and combine the special rectification of self-built houses with the safety rectification in the fields of gas and fire protection, and integrate with the implementation of tasks such as renovation of old urban communities, renovation of shanty towns, and renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas. Implemented as one. It is necessary to conduct in-depth investigation and rectification of urban self-built houses, rural self-built houses, and housing construction, and pay close attention to key houses such as long-term disrepair, illegal reconstruction and addition, illegal excavation of underground space, damage to the main body or load-bearing structure, etc. “Four no” illegal construction, unauthorized change of use, illegal use for business rental and other key issues, strictly do a good job in the safety management of the whole process of housing and municipal engineering, continue to strengthen the fire safety of high-rise buildings, and ensure the safety of houses in the city.

Hu Henghua emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen normal safety management, strengthen system governance and source governance, and comprehensively improve the level of intrinsic safety. It is necessary to pay attention to the performance of duties, strictly hold responsibilities, and set up a special rectification work leading group for the safety of self-built houses as soon as possible, and compress the responsibilities of party and government leadership, district and county territorial responsibilities, department supervision responsibilities, and the main responsibilities of property owners (users), so as to achieve Those who are responsible must be held accountable, and those who fail to be held accountable must be held accountable. It is necessary to focus on the front end and manage the back end, promote the seamless connection between administrative approval and safety supervision, and strengthen the management of the whole life cycle from the source of approval to the end of use. It is necessary to focus on long-term and strong mechanisms, improve self-built housing construction standards and management methods for operation, carry out regular housing safety inspections and monitoring, and continuously improve the institutionalization, standardization and legalization of self-built housing safety management. It is necessary to efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, strictly implement the 15 hard measures for safe production specified by the central government, do a solid job in the prevention and control of natural disasters, and earnestly build a bottom line for safe development. Six Party Congresses were successfully held.

The meeting is held by video. Persons in charge of member units of the Municipal Safety Committee, districts and counties, some key enterprises and relevant units participated.



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