I finally became a hatachi! What I felt after being a model for a year[Ryoku Nakatsuka Blog]

2023-08-30 12:00:00

I became Hatachi on August 8th!

Such a kid is already 20 years old.

I’m still 18 on the inside… (laughs).

The picture is the first Enoshima! Shonan! It was nice to have a different atmosphere from Okinawa! 20 is represented by peace and watermelon. Do you understand? (lol)

August 8th of last year was the day when the finalists of the Men’s Nonno Model Audition were announced, and I received a lot of “Congratulations” and “Do your best!” messages.

On August 8th this year, too, I received a lot of “Congratulations” and, unlike last year, “Do your best!” for me as a men’s non-no model, and it’s been a year since then. I feel….

After working as a model for a year, what I felt once more,

Everyone in the editorial department always cares regarding us, so it’s really warm! That means.

And in order to live up to their expectations, and to repay their kindness, I would like to continue to take on various challenges!

Also, shooting is a lot of fun!

In order to take cool photos wearing fresh clothes in various places, models, photographers, editors, stylists and make-up artists go through trial and error to create the magazine, which is really rewarding. !

And it’s audition time once more this year!

When I think that this year’s finalists are always filled with anxiety and tension like I was last year, I want them to do their best and support them!

Everyone, please vote for my future juniors!

I’ll do my best at 20 years old than I did in my teens!

Well then!

#finally #hatachi #felt #model #yearRyoku #Nakatsuka #Blog



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