“If they had been honest directly…”

The family was ready to go on vacation. This Saturday, Véronique, her husband Eduardo and their daughter Clara were to go to Spain. A trip that the family had to take by car. “Should” because Saturday morning, impossible to leave. Instead, Véronique spent her morning on the phone.

The reason for this cancellation is as unlucky as it is novel. Indeed, the day before, Véronique was unable to remove her hybrid car from the charging station that she had found very close to her home. “The car was loaded. Everything was good but when I swiped my card everything turned red. I couldn’t remove the cable,” she told Belang van Limburg.

At the time, the Antwerp woman did not panic and tried to find an answer on the manager’s site. She finds tips there when the cable gets stuck in the charging station but none works for her. The only possible solution for Véronique would have been to give up her cable (worth 300 euros… which she should have bought back). Something she refused to do as much as she needed it for her holidays.

Postponed holidays

Still hoping to be able to leave on Saturday morning, Véronique and her husband go further in their approach by contacting the Helpdesk, normally available 24 hours a day. Without success for them. “We called, at the same time and with two telephones, the Dutch-speaking and French-speaking helpdesk, but we could not reach anyone. After 2.5 hours of music on hold, we gave up.”

It is finally only on Saturday morning that Véronique will obtain an answer. Not the one she was hoping for since she was told that the problem could not be solved remotely and that a technician had to come… without certainty that he would come that day. Véronique, her husband and her family had therefore resigned themselves to being blocked all weekend. “For me, we could only go on a trip on Monday afternoon at the earliest…” And even if she underlines the availability of the helpdesk, she regrets having been left in the dark. “If they had been honest in saying straight up that the problem wouldn’t be fixed over the weekend, we would have rented a cable somewhere else on Saturday. Hoping that our cable is still on the terminal when we return. »

Finally, a good surprise arrived on Sunday afternoon. “An employee called. They apologized and immediately sent a technician. My husband has since been able to get the car back. What to allow the family to go on vacation with a little advance… on their delay.

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