In pictures.. The first shots from the wedding of the daughter of the media, Suhair Joudeh.. All the artists attended

Everyone now wants to see the first clips of the wedding of the media’s daughter, Suhair Joudeh, which was attended by a large number of artists, singers and media professionals, and all the pictures were admired by everyone who recently saw them.

The first shots from the wedding of the daughter of the media, Suhair Joudeh

Today, the media, Suhair Gouda, and her husband, journalist and writer Mohamed Hani, former head of CBC channels, celebrated the wedding of their daughter, Maryam Ali Youssef Khelaifi, son of Dr. Khelaifi, in a major hotel in Cairo.

Suhair Gouda and the newlyweds and MounirSuhair Gouda and the newlyweds and Mounir
Suhair Gouda and the newlyweds and Mounir
Nermin El-Feki and the newlywedsNermin El-Feki and the newlyweds
Nermin El-Feki and the newlyweds
Laila Elwi and the bride MaryamLaila Elwi and the bride Maryam
Laila Elwi and the bride Maryam

The ceremony was attended by many stars, public figures and ministers, the most important of whom were Major General Muhammad Amin and his wife, Minister of Supply Dr. Ali Al-Moselhi and Karam Jabr, head of the National Media Authority, and many artists such as Yusra And Magda Zaki, Laila Alawi, Nabila Obeid, Elham Shaheen, Dalia Al-Behairy, Bossi, Dina, Nermin Al-Fiqi, Hala Sarhan, Manal Salama, Yahya Al-Fakharani, Muhammad Munir, Ahmed Saad and others.

the newlywedsthe newlyweds
the newlyweds
Lucy with the brideLucy with the bride
Lucy with the bride
Magda Zaki and the newlywedsMagda Zaki and the newlyweds
Magda Zaki and the newlyweds



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