Intense storm of rain and hail caused an avalanche and route 65 to Villa Traful is cut

A storm of rain and hail fell on the Andean region and caused various disturbances. Neighbors of Villa Traful reported this Thursday that there was a landslide of stones and mud in a sector of provincial route 65, which communicates with the town.

The collapse occurred approximately 3 kilometers from the junction with national route 237in the area known as Confluencia Traful, some 60 kilometers north of Bariloche.

The sources consulted relayed the information that is circulating for these minutes in Villa Traful and that warns that the route is completely cut off by an avalanche.

From the Tourism area of ​​that town they pointed out that road machines they were heading towards the place of the avalanche to clear route 65 that allows access and exit from Villa Traful. The other alternative is to travel the 25 kilometers from Villa Traful towards National Route 40, known as the Seven Lakes route.

They mentioned that for On the side known as Portezuelo, a tree fell at the height of the Heñuqueo population and personnel from the Villa Traful development commission went to that place to clear the route.

The storm that fell this followingnoon on the Andean region lasted a few minutes, but had an unusual intensity. Added to the torrential rains was the fall of hail in some areas of Bariloche and Villa Traful.

Traful neighbors commented that the hail fall lasted for regarding 15 minutes. “He took off with everything, they were ice stones, tremendous hail that hit the roofs of the houses”, they described.

Injured tourist in Bariloche

A woman who was walking along the path that leads to Jacob was trapped by an avalanche during the storm that fell this Thursday followingnoon on the Bariloche area and suffered multiple injuries.

The mayor of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, Horacio Paradela, reported minutes ago that the woman was evacuated by helicopter to Bariloche, and transferred to the Ramón Carrillo hospital.

“He has some trauma. An important one in the left leg. So you have an open fracture. The evacuation is complete. And we are relieving more information,” he said.

indicated that the woman suffered the fall when it was trapped by a landslide of mud and stones regarding 2 kilometers from Tambo de Báez, on the path to the refuge Jacob. He said that ICE personnel from the Nahuel Huapi National Park and members of the Club Andino Bariloche Relief Commission worked on the rescue and evacuation. The woman was walking through that place together with her partner, when they were surprised by the storm of heavy rain and hail.

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