International Women’s Day

When the country woke up to its independence in the English invasions, it was the women who heated the water and boiling oil, to throw it out the window and make them retreat.

More than 200 years later, women continue to undertake, and continue that first struggle, carrying out, with or without company, a farm, a company, a job, or organizations in which they are the head of power.

It is the same woman who convinces a child to go to school, the one who prepares the best delicacies with what she has in the refrigerator. She bravely navigates a conflictive day, and at the same time she makes important decisions to build consensus and make different projects a reality.

In these times when we believed we had overcome most of our gender conflicts, there will be flags that we will need to defend and reinforce. It is forbidden to prohibit what has been achieved, because what we built together is not in language, it was deposited in the heart and reason.

Rosanna Pía Venchiarutti Sartori


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