Keto in competition with the Mediterranean diet .. Who will prevail?

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keto diet For example, a popular regimen that its followers see helps reduce appetite, and melt fat.

Studies have shown at least a short-term improvement in blood sugar in people who follow keto diet.

While the research Mediterranean diet By reducing the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss, depression and breast cancer, as well as losing weight, strengthening bones, and maintaining a healthier heart.

A clinical trial compared the two diets by asking 33 people with diabetes Take both regimens, one after the other, for three months.

The researchers monitored the participants’ weight, levels of blood sugarand cardiovascular risk factors.

When the researchers examined the effect of the two diets on levels of fats in the blood, which contribute to heart disease, the Mediterranean diet was the clear winner.

While keto depends on lowering levels carbohydratesThe Mediterranean diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

The study found that most people stopped the keto diet after the research ended.


keto diet For example, a popular regimen that its followers see helps reduce appetite, and melt fat.

Studies have shown at least a short-term improvement in blood sugar in people who follow keto diet.

While the research Mediterranean diet By reducing the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss, depression and breast cancer, as well as losing weight, strengthening bones, and maintaining a healthier heart.

A clinical trial compared the two diets by asking 33 people with diabetes Take both regimens, one after the other, for three months.

The researchers monitored the participants’ weight, levels of blood sugarand cardiovascular risk factors.

When the researchers examined the effect of the two diets on levels of fats in the blood, which contribute to heart disease, the Mediterranean diet was the clear winner.

While keto depends on lowering levels carbohydratesThe Mediterranean diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

The study found that most people stopped the keto diet after the research ended.

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