Latest news from Pedro Castillo in Peru today, Monday, April 4, 2022 | Carrier strike today | Fuel Boost | peter castle

Strike of carriers: stores in the central market of Lima close for fear of looting

This followingnoon, given the increase in violence that has occurred due to the strike of carriers in different parts of Peru, and specifically in the capital, citizens are alert. Thus, before the cry of a group of people who warned regarding a possible looting, merchants of the central market closed the doors of their stores and put their merchandise in a safe place.

This occurred following a group of people and inspectors ran and shouted “looting, looting.” However, according to a reporter on Canal N, who is located in Jirón Andahuaylas with Jirón Cusco, in Mesa Redonda, following the incident, some businesses have chosen to reopen, but others remain closed for security.



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