Lose weight: Sweating does not mean losing weight and wearing a girdle affects your health

Wearing girdles while exercising: good or bad practice?

Although in many of the images that we see on social networks, celebrities such as Kim Kardashian shows doing exercises using girdles, this element can generate complications in your physical condition, since not all girdles are suitable for performing these activities.

But, can they be used when training?

The effort at the time of training produces the elimination of liquids through sweat, and most of these garments have neoprene, a material that in contact with the skin generates more heat, a fact that would increase the production of sweat in the body.

Therefore, sweating becomes excessive and, as we mentioned before, it does not mean that a caloric burn. On the contrary, this could generate a dehydration, because the body cannot perspire naturally.

Thus, experts suggest that when training or doing any physical activity, this type of clothing should be avoided, since its excessive use can generater back and skin problems it would no longer tighten with the strain of training.

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