“Managing Osteoarthritis: Current Treatments and Exciting Progress in Regenerative Medicine”

2023-05-26 15:25:56

In rheumatology, osteoarthritis is the main cause of consultation. Moreover, it is the most common joint disease. Nearly 10 million French people suffer from it. For the moment, there is still no remedy to cure it completely. However, this could soon change in view of the progress of recent research. Explanations!

Osteoarthritis: a disease not to be neglected

L’arthrosis is a chronic disease which mainly affects articulations. It is characterized by a destruction progressive du cartilage and by extension, of thewhole joint. This causes a hypersecretion of liquide synovialthe joint fluid, by the joint cells.

This problem leads to a swelling and inflammatory attacks in the long run. It also generates a condensation of the underlying bone or a bony growthcalled ” osteophytes“. Thus, over time, all the joints can be affected by this ailment.

Several risk factors are identified. Osteoarthritis often occurs with theageespecially towards fifties and the incidence increases with the number of years. That said, 3% under 45 are affected. It should also be noted the overweightl’obesity and the genetic factor. Indeed, it is not uncommon to find a familial osteoarthritis.

Furthermore, a excessive solicitation of the joint as well as joint diseases such as the drop or the rheumatoid arthritis are also incriminated. Likewise, traumaeven weak, but repeatedly on the joint, favor its appearance.

Purely symptomatic care

Symptoms of osteoarthritis can vary from joint to joint. Nevertheless, some signs are common, such as pain at the joint. This is triggered and exacerbated by movement. On the other hand, it attenuates with rest.

The other sign is a joint stiffness. This most often appears after a period of immobilityin particular at awakening. And swellingof the bony growths (osteophytes) as well as a loss of joint mobility can occur.

Note that osteoarthritis develops in two distinct phases. A chronic phase where symptoms are negligible and a phase of acute pain attack where the signs are marked. To remedy this, currently non-drug measures, medicated even surgical existent.

If these measures are insufficient, painkillers will be prescribed. Depending on the intensity of the pain, infiltrations of corticosteroids, or even hyaluronic acid, may be necessary. For extreme cases, a surgery (arthroplasty) is to be considered.

Curative treatment in development

Recently, the quotidiendumedecin.fr as well as Science and Future relayed the result of an American study published in Science Translational Medicine. Researchers from theUniversity of South Carolina were interested in a protein: Lin28a. This is often decisive in the regeneration of many tissues.

These scientists conducted experiments in the laboratory on animals (rats and dogs) which resulted in a tissue regeneration. This incident made it possible to repair the degenerated cartilage. The symptoms have improved markedly. Tests in patients will soon be launched. Anyway, it’s a major step forward in the management of this disabling disease.

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