Meryl Streep awarded an honorary Palme d’Or at Cannes | TV5MONDE

Hollywood legend Meryl Streep acquired on Tuesday night, through the opening ceremony of the Cannes Movie Pageant, an honorary Palme d’Or which immortalizes her “indelible place within the historical past of cinema”.

“You modified the best way we see girls on the earth of cinema (…) you gave us a brand new picture of ourselves,” declared actress Juliette Binoche with out having the ability to maintain again her tears earlier than handing over to Meryl Streep the honorary palm.

“The Queen Meryl”, 74 years outdated, has already collected nearly all of the distinctions, together with a document 21 Oscar nominations and three golden statuettes, however had not come to Cannes for 35 years.

“I am simply so blissful that you just did not get bored with my apple,” stated the actress, moved behind her glasses and wearing an ivory draped gown.

This Palme rewards the actress’ profession which started in 1977 in “Julia”, adopted by “Kramer versus Kramer” – her first Oscar (1979).

Equally comfortable within the melodrama – “The French Lieutenant’s Mistress” (1981) – she is unforgettable as a Holocaust survivor in “Sophie’s Selection” (2nd Oscar) and as Karen Blixen in “Out of Africa” ​​( 1985). It was to the music of Sydney Pollack’s movie that she made her debut on stage.

In her forties, the actress seeing her roles diminish, made a flip in the direction of comedy, till the triumph in 2006 of “The Satan Wears Prada”.

Two different Palms of Honor will likely be introduced throughout this 77th version, one at Studio Ghibli on Might 20 and the opposite to director George Lucas, father of the smart “Star Wars” through the closing ceremony.

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