Morocco Climbs 10 Places in WIPO’s Global Innovation Index

The United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published a few days ago its 15th Global Innovation Index which offers a ranking of 132 countries in terms of innovation by taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the innovation ecosystem. For the 2022 edition, Morocco “showed a potential for innovation” and has done so for several years, say the report’s editors.

If he has lost two places compared to 2020ranking Last year in 77th place, Morocco now ranks 67th in the world, climbing 10 places. The kingdom is also one of ten economies in the MENA region to move up in the 2022 ranking.

The ranking offers 7 pillars, all divided into different sections. Morocco ranked 85th in institutions, 83rd in human capital and research, 89th in infrastructure, 74th in market development and 64th in knowledge and technological production. It is on behalf of the “creativity” pillar that Morocco ranks best, arriving at 44th place in the world. However, it is 94th for the “business development” pillar, its worst ranking for the 7 categories.

The kingdom 3rd in Africa and 6th in the MENA region

Of the 32 countries with a “lower middle income economy”, Morocco comes in 6th place, behind India (40th), Viet Nam (48th), Iran (53rd), Ukraine (57th) and the Philippines (59th), the report said.

In the MENA region, Morocco ranks 6th, behind Israel (16th in the world), the United Arab Emirates (31st), Saudi Arabia (51st), Qatar (52nd) and Kuwait (62nd). It is thus ahead of Tunisia (73rd), Jordan (78th), Oman (79th), Egypt (89th) and Algeria (115th). On the continental level, Morocco is in 3rd place, behind Mauritius (45th) and South Africa (61st).

Overall, the top ranking of the Global Innovation Index is occupied by Switzerland, the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, while Yemen (128th), Mauritania, Burundi , Iraq and Guinea are at the bottom of the ranking.

The Global innovation index is released this year around the theme “What is the future of innovation-led growth?”, captures the performance of the innovation ecosystem of 132 economies and tracks the latest global trends in terms of innovation. For its editors and contrary to what historical evidence suggests, “investments in science and innovation flourished at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic and exploded in 2021, but their continued resilience is uncertain for 2022 in the face of the new challenges”.



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