“Our priority this year is attracting investments” – La Discusión 2024-04-18 06:55:57

The Minister of Economy of Ñuble, Erick Solo de Zaldívar, stated that, “our priority this year in the region is economic growth and investment attractionbecause we understand that, through that, it has an impact on the employment and well-being of the inhabitants of the region.”

“In terms of growth and investment,” he continued, “we are working on an agenda that has different dimensions. One, in the legislative field, where already the draft framework law on sectoral authorizations was presentedwhich aims simplify and update sectoral permitting processes, establishing maximum deadlines, using, for example, administrative silence and simplifying procedures in smaller projects, among other measures; “That is already presented in Parliament.”


In addition to facing the problem of “permissology”, the seremi stressed that a second area corresponds to the support of investors. “We have launched the regional investment tablewhose objective is to have a cadastre of all private investments that are being developed in the regionbut also identify those critical knots or ‘bottlenecks’ that prevent them from advancing quickly.”

He explained that, “this table, which began meeting in the first half of last year, is made up of all the portfolios involved in sectoral permits, such as Energy, Transportation, Health, Minvu, DGA, MOP, we also invited the Regional Government and the “He presides over the Seremi de Economía.”

Solo de Zaldívar explained that, “we meet with the companies, we review the status of the projects and, for example, we have the case of a company that had entered a sectoral permit to the Maule region and was stuck. So, we met with them, because they had alerted us that this issue was slow and that’s when our legal advisor detected the error. They are things of that order, to the point of paying greater attention to the reviewers of sectoral projects, who are sometimes resting on the last link of the desk, and we know that an investment that highly impacts employment, we pay the attention it requires and We facilitate the processes. And that is highly valued by investors, because there are two essential things that they value: one, is that there are incentives; and another, that there is support in the administrative processes.”

He indicated that, “we have all the private investments that are being developed, so, we are asking them what the bottlenecks are, we We identify which link of the sectoral permit they are currently in and if there is any delay or there is a procedure that is poorly presented, we intervene with the purpose of facilitating”. Along these lines, he specified that they are currently monitoring seven projects that represent a total investment of US$202 million.

In a third area, the authority referred to “what we are developing in terms of public investment this year in the region. Without going any further, the Ministry of Public Works has already presented its portfolio of projectswhich are around $168 billion for this year in more than 80 initiatives and that will impact the generation of more than a thousand jobs.”

In that sense, he asserted that “there is a public intention in public investment but also an intention in streamlining private investment to stimulate employment and growth.”

Economic recovery

He also highlighted that “this year 2024, if we stop to review the investment that has been approved to date for the projects entered into the Environmental Impact Assessment System, we see that last year we added US $247 million and in what Since 2024, we have added around US$ 490 million, which represents an increase of almost 100% and that, in terms of job creation, all of these projects in their peak period of operation will impact around 1,500 jobs.”

He also compared the figures of the current administration with the first two years of the previous government. “So far in government, we have generated more investment in Ñuble than the previous administration. From March 11, 2018 to March 31, 2020, the first two years of the previous administration, the investment projects approved in Ñuble were 33, totaling an investment of US$ 758.7 million. For its part, in the first two years of President Boric’s government, the investments approved in the region contemplate 25 projects that total US$ 938.7 million, which represents a difference of 23.7%, adding US$ 180 million more in regional investments.”

The seremi He was optimistic regarding the recovery of the economy this year and announced that this month a new Corfo instrument (Technological IFI) will be launched, with resources from the Regional Government. “We have a call that is aimed at companies with technological projects or with investment expansion, where we provide non-refundable co-financing with the objective of generating incentives to attract companies, with a focus on global services, manufacturing, wood remanufacturing, agribusiness, circular economy or projects that impact the regional economy.”

Adding to the statements of the Minister of Finance, Mario Marcel, given the positive Imacec of 4.5% registered in February, Solo de Zaldívar expressed that “we are entering a stage where the economy is going to expand.”

#priority #year #attracting #investments #Discusión



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