outstanding bank credit climbed to more than 980 billion dirhams at the end of April

A at the end of April 2022, outstanding bank loans to agents non-financial stood at 854.3 MDH et the one with financial officers at 126.4 MDH, precise BAM.

The annual increase of 5,6% business loans non-financial (NFE) private sector covers increases in 10,2% cash facilities and 2,2% equipment loans, as well as a decrease in 2,7% home loans, notes the same source.

Furthermore, said scoreboard indicates that BAM’s economic survey indicates that access to financing, Jan-2022was considered normal by 91% industrial companies and difficile par 9%with a stagnating cost of credit.

Cash loans: relaxed approval criteria

It appears from the available results of the survey on the conditions for granting credit under Jan-2022 that the criteria would have been relaxed for cash loans, kept unchanged for equipment loans and tightened for property development loans.

In detail, the criteria would have been kept unchanged for very small, small and medium-sized enterprises (TPME) only for large companies (GE). As for demand, it would have experienced a drop both for TPME only for GEs and for all credit objects. Au Jan-2022the rates applied to new loans fell to 4,02%. By company size, they stood at 3,65% for GEs and 4,85% for the TPME.

With regard to loans to households, they recorded an annual increase of 3,4%essentially reflecting an increase in 3,2% housing loans.

Crowdfunding for housing, in particular in the form of Mouabaha real estate, continued to grow and to settle at 16.9 MDHafter 12.8 MDH a year before.Au Jan-2022the banks declare unchanged granting criteria for both housing loans and consumer loans.

As for demand, it appears to have increased for consumer loans and decreased for housing loans.Pour As for the rates applied to new loans to households, they emerge, at Jan-2022at 5,2% with 4,21% for housing loans and 6,50% for those for consumption.

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