Parents go to trial in Río Cuarto for abuse and dissemination of sexual images of their children

The Investigative Prosecutor of Río Cuarto Pablo Jávega requested the elevation of a case once morest a couple from the town of Vicuña Mackenna who would have produced and distributed images of sexual abuse of their own children.

The little ones would have been violated for more than four years, since the youngest of them was one year old and the oldest, 9.

The alert was given by the NCMEC NGO, which sends a report to Argentina that Internet companies are obliged to give in the United States, every time they detect that material of this type is circulating, with children or adolescents involved. The cases reach the Judicial Investigation Corps of the Buenos Aires Prosecutor’s Office (CIJ), who then forwards them to the corresponding judicial district of the country through a closed computer system.

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The events would have been committed in the city of Vicuña Mackenna, in the south of the province of Córdoba, from the end of 2018 and May 2022, a period in which the parents of the minors would have produced the material with sexual content using their children. and they would have disclosed those images and videos through social networks and specifically on a dating page.

The investigation began in June 2022, when the Jávega prosecutor received the international alert.

He worked with personnel from the Operative Investigation Division, from sections of the Scientific Secretariat of the Public Prosecutor’s Office; as well as the Investigations Division, URD Río Cuarto of the Police of the Province of Córdoba.

They managed to determine 11 facts, material production, possession and abuse, in real competition. They seized a large amount of material and recovered images that they would have tried to delete at the last moment.

Arrested and expelled from Fire Department

Javega reported that only the father of the minors was arrested, since he is the main accused of abuse and would have tried to hinder the actions of Justice. Transcended they realize that when they went to raid his house, he would have locked himself in the bathroom to try to make evidence disappear.

In the town of Vicuña Mackenna, the case caused great outrage because the defendant, 37, had also been a volunteer firefighter for some time. He was immediately discharged from the barracks.

Javega indicated that “the summons to trial was requested for the crimes of sexual abuse with carnal access qualified by the link, repeated acts of production and possession for its unequivocal aggravated distribution, three acts of distribution of said type of material, as well as possession of representations of others under 18 years of age, engaged in explicit sexual activities for distribution.”

According to the accusation, in case of being found guilty, the defendant might correspond to a scale that goes from 8 to 50 years in prison.

The prosecutor clarified that the mother is not in custody but was also charged with collaboration in the production and possession for the purpose of distributing the images of the abuse.

It indicated that the minors were immediately made available to the Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Family (SENAF) for their containment, assistance and protection, with the intervention of the Court for Children, Adolescents, Family Violence and Gender of Río Cuarto.

According to the corresponding lottery, the case was elevated to the Second Shift Criminal, Correctional and Indictment Chamber of Río Cuarto, where the corresponding trial would take place, on a date to be determined.

  • “I dare to tell it”: the long road of denouncing child sexual abuse

It should be noted that these cases are no longer referred to as “child pornography”, since the production of “pornography” implies the consent of the person participating, both in the filming and in the authorization of dissemination, which is impossible to consider in the cases of children and adolescents. They are plain and simple victims of abuse.



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