Practical Tips for Cat Care: A Comprehensive Guide by Royal Canin

2023-08-03 09:14:00

They recommend that cats make regular visits to the vet.

From Royal Canin they offer a series of recommendations to help cat caregivers improve their well-being and health

He gato is an animal with a very characteristic and independent personality that conditions their behavior and, very often, their health. In this sense, and on the occasion of the International Cat Day, Royal Canin shares a series of practical tips to help cat sitters improve their well-being and health.

In the first place, they advise that the kitten development. “The nutritional needs of a kitten are very specific and the food in this first part of his life is crucial. It must be developed specifically for this particular phase, in which their digestive system is still immature and in which cognitive function develops ”, he explains.

On the other hand, they call to monitor the water intakewhat is “fundamental” and cats may have a tendency to drink little. 2 good tricks are to leave drinkers with fresh water scattered around the house and opt for mixed feeding, mixing dry and wet food.

The third tip is always protect the house. “Since the kittens are born they have a hunting and playful instinct that can be a accident if the home is not ready. Always protect potentially dangerous spaces in the house (such as windows) and remove objects that can break and with which harm can be done”, they emphasize.

They also recommend schedule periodic check-ups with the vet since, according to what they indicate, the cat tends to hide the signs of illness and that is why it is key to take it to the vet at least once a year, or with more often following 7 years. This way they can prevent a possible disease or act in time if one already exists.

Also, urge monitor behavior changes, since any small change in their routines should be a warning sign to go to the vet. “If he moves less, stops eating, hides more, starts urinating outside his litter tray… don’t hesitate, consult your vet”, they highlight.

Another recommendation is encourage play with cats. “It is important to give them the opportunity to get more exercise and express their hunting behavior through play. It can be done with toys, activity scratchers or simply placing feeders and drinkers in different parts of the house to encourage movement. In addition, the game greatly strengthens the bond between care and your cat,” they point out.

take care of food of cats is another of the advice given by Royal Canin, and they point out that it is the first step to your health and it must be chosen taking into account the specific characteristics of the animal such as its age, breed or size, whether it is sterilized or not or if it has any health problem. “It is an important decision, since a balanced diet according to its needs will help keep the animal in optimal condition, boosting its health and helping to prevent potential future problems,” they say.

control weight of the cat is also important, according to Royal Canin. “Obesity is a growing problem and it has consequences such as reducing life expectancy or increasing the predisposition to suffer from certain pathologies. The person in charge of assessing the ideal weight is the veterinarian, so requesting a body check consultation is important ”, they explain.

In addition, they underline the importance of educating cats and ensure that the cat begins to learn from the moment it is born. It is always important to teach him what his space is (to sleep, eat or play), where his litter box is and reinforce the bond with him through play. Positive reinforcement and affection will be key throughout the process.

Lastly, they urge learn to read their body language. “Cats can communicate with their keepers in a number of ways. It is important to read and understand their body language, as well as listen to the sounds they make. to know how they feel and what they need. If they are calm (upright posture, head up and a slight curl in the tail, soft purring), confident (lying down, tail out, rolled over and belly exposed), worried (crouching down, muscles tense, tail close of the body) or with fear (tense, arched back, swollen tail and bristly hair) will give us clues on how to act and what is needed at that moment”, they conclude.

#tips #improve #wellbeing #health



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