Preventing Nausea During Exercise: Tips for a Comfortable Workout

2023-10-10 04:11:13

Avoid overeating or indigestible foods before exercise… Have enough moisture

Entered 2023.10.10 13:10 Views 131 Entered 2023.10.10 13:10 Modified 2023.10.10 14:01 Views 131

When you exercise hard, sometimes you suddenly feel nauseous. This is a symptom that can happen to anyone, from people who are new to exercise to athletes. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]When you exercise hard, sometimes you suddenly feel nauseous. This is a symptom that can happen to anyone, from people who are new to exercise to athletes. There can be many causes, including the food eaten before exercise and the exercise environment. This can usually be resolved to some extent by drinking enough water or adjusting the intensity of exercise.

Let’s find out what causes nausea and nausea during or after exercise, as introduced by ‘’, an American health information media outlet.

What and how much did you eat, food consumed before exercise

The most influential factors are what, when, and how much you eat prior to exercising. Some people may experience nausea if they do not eat enough before exercising or if it has been a while since they ate. Conversely, exercising when you are too full can also increase discomfort in the digestive tract, including nausea. Studies have shown that high protein and fat intake before exercise can cause severe nausea. The same goes for drinking too many drinks.

Additionally, eating foods that take a long time to digest can also have an effect. For example, foods high in saturated fat, such as bacon, French fries, and hamburgers, can be hard on the stomach because they take longer to be digested.

When to eat is also important. If you eat right before exercising, your digestive system will not have enough time to digest it. Conversely, eating too early can make you feel hungry and lethargic. Therefore, it is important to find a meal time that suits you. It varies from person to person, but it seems that eating 1 to 3 hours before exercising can provide fuel for exercise while reducing stomach discomfort.

Exercising in hot places or at high altitudes

When you exercise in a hot environment, you lose a lot of water through sweat. If you experience nausea at a time like this, you may suspect a heat-related illness such as sunstroke or heat stroke. Heat stroke is an emergency that requires immediate treatment. If you start vomiting due to heat exhaustion, you will also need treatment. Additionally, nausea may occur when exercising at high altitudes such as mountainous areas, which is due to lowered oxygen concentration and air pressure.

Health conditions such as functional indigestion

A variety of health problems may be the root cause of nausea when exercising. These include anxiety, stress, depression, functional dyspepsia, gallbladder disease, migraine, myocardial infarction (heart attack), norovirus, traveler’s diarrhea, panic disorder, peptic ulcer, and extreme pain. If you feel that your nausea is due to a physical or mental health condition, consult a specialist in that field, depending on your situation.

Strenuous exercise that is not suitable for your condition

When you exercise, your body’s blood flows to the muscles you’re using and the major organs you’re working hard at, like your heart, lungs, and brain. And the amount of blood going to the digestive organs decreases, stopping the process of breaking down food in the stomach. Considering the size of the lower body muscles and the amount of exercise, this feeling may be more common on days when you exercise your lower body. High-intensity exercise, such as high-intensity interval training, which involves a series of intense exercises, can also strongly stimulate this response.

Medicines such as electrolyte supplements, caffeine, and antibiotics also have an effect.

Many nutritional supplements, such as caffeine, electrolyte supplements, exogenous ketones, glycerol, iron, medium chain triglycerides, and sodium or bicarbonate supplements, may also cause nausea symptoms during exercise. Additionally, nausea may occur as a side effect of some medications, such as painkillers (e.g. opioids), antibiotics, antidepressants, high blood pressure medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and oral contraceptives.

Sweating too much can cause dehydration

Dehydration can also be a cause. During exercise, our body releases moisture and lowers body temperature by sweating. At this time, blood flow to the digestive tract may become weak, which can worsen gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea.

If you feel nauseous after exercising, sit still in a quiet place and rest. This is because moving can make nausea symptoms worse. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]How to avoid feeling nauseous while exercising?

Methods you can try to prevent nausea during exercise include △ refraining from consuming high doses of caffeine △ gradually acclimating to a high temperature environment △ exercising in a cool environment △ not eating too much right before exercising △ reducing the intensity of exercise △ exercising or doing a few high-intensity exercises. These include reducing supplement intake before time, drinking water consistently throughout the day and while exercising, and managing stress or anxiety through meditation.

If you experience nausea after exercising, sit quietly in a quiet place and rest. This is because moving can make nausea symptoms worse. Additionally, eating bland or soft foods, such as crackers, can help relieve symptoms.

If symptoms occur while exercising, adjust the intensity of the exercise. If you suddenly stop while exercising, symptoms may worsen, so it is better to walk slowly rather than stop completely.

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