“Preventing Skin Problems Caused by Mental Health: Tips and Strategies”

2023-05-21 07:00:00

Written by Mervat Rashad

Sunday, May 21, 2023 10:00 AM

The skin is the only organ that is constantly exposed to the environment, which makes it more vulnerable to environmental stressors and able to respond by producing hormones. Stress The skin responds to heat and UV rays by producing stress hormones, which then communicate them to the brain. In this way, psychological stressors can overwork the skin, perpetuating the cycle of stress. Hence, taking steps to prevent skin problems Caused by poor mental health can be beneficial, and here are some tips to prevent cracks in the skin, according to what was published by “doctor.ndtv”.

Research has confirmed that constant exposure to psychological or environmental stressors can have adverse effects on your overall health in addition to long-term skin changes that go beyond redness. The integrated bidirectional brain-skin axis is able to transmit psychological stress from the brain to the skin and vice versa. The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) gland, a group of three glands essential to the body’s stress response.

Tips for preventing and treating skin health problems resulting from mental problems:

1. Take care of your skin

Even if you are stressed or under stress, take time to take care of your skin. A healthy skin care routine can reduce, if not prevent, health issues that may be caused by mental health issues.

2. Exercise regularly

Your skin and the rest of your body will benefit from regular exercise, it can boost overall skin health and also help with mental health issues like stress, anxiety, etc.

3. Take a break

Even if you only have ten minutes, take some time for yourself to do something you enjoy. Read a book or take a bath, engage in activities that bring you happiness, calm and peace.

4. Yoga

Use stress reduction strategies such as breathing exercises, yoga, meditation or mindful imagery. These activities can also help you calm down and reduce stress.

5. Get enough rest

Sleep is an integral part of a healthy routine and being healthy, and it’s best to get seven to eight hours each night.

6. Support

Consult a friend or trained therapist for support. Talking to others can help you better understand and deal with your feelings.

#poor #mental #health #lead #skin #problems…Learn #prevent

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