Pro-Russian factions in eastern Ukraine bombarded and accused by government forces | Reuters

On February 17, pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine accused them of being bombarded by Ukrainian government forces, according to the Russian News Agency (RIA). The photo shows the flags of Russia and Ukraine. Taken in January at Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2022 / Dado Ruvic)

[Moscow, 17th]–Pro-Russian factions in eastern Ukraine have accused them of being bombarded by Ukrainian government forces on the 17th. It is said to be a violation of the agreement aimed at ending the dispute.

There have been four attacks in the last 24 hours, and it is being confirmed whether there are any casualties.

It is unknown at this time how serious the attack is. There is no response from the Ukrainian government or the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

Russia has gathered more than 100,000 troops near the border with Ukraine, and the West is wary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Sporadic fighting has occurred in recent years in areas controlled by pro-Russian factions, but escalating conflicts in the area might further increase tensions between Russia and the West.

Representatives of the “People’s Republic of Lugansk” declared by pro-Russian factions claim that Ukrainian troops used mortars, grenade launchers and machine guns.

“The Ukrainian army overtly broke the ceasefire agreement and used heavy weapons that the Minsk agreement requires to be removed,” the representative said.

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