PS5 back in stock now!

Good news PS5 back in stock now!

It’s an open secret, a large shortage makes PS5 stocks extremely tight. Today, even with all the goodwill in the world, buying a PlayStation 5 can take months. In this perilous quest, we stand by your side. As soon as we are informed of a restocking, we will keep you informed as soon as possible. Hurry, there’s PS5 stock NOW.

Stock of PS5 available at the real price of the console!

There is no point in relying on the statements we hear on the right or on the left with regard to PS5 stocks. More than a year following its release, the latest from Sony’s factories is extremely difficult to find. The reason for this is more complex than it seems.

A bit like what we observe on the side of graphics cards, game consoles are fairly advanced technological objects that suffer the brunt of a great shortage of components. We’ll spare you all the details, but, as you can imagine, the pandemic hasn’t helped matters. Today, experts are betting on a possible return to normal… within at least a year.

Now that we’ve said that, we still want to reassure you. With time and determination, it is possible to have a PS5. Almost every day, we are entitled to small restockings in different e-commerce brands. We are monitoring all of this closely for you! Guess what ? There are PS5s in stock right now!

Update 01/20/2022 at 3:31 p.m.: Sold out.

Updated 01/20/2022 at 3:08 p.m. : PS5 available at the

Our advice to buy you a PS5 quickly at its true price

Why speak of “true price”? Quite simply because the PS5 is one of the most favored targets of scalpers. As a result, it is theoretically always in stock somewhere, but at frankly excessive prices.

If you don’t know what a scalper is, a little reminder is in order. Scalpers are people who seek to make money through a practice that is not illegal (at least not to our knowledge) but which seems to us morally very questionable.

The idea is to browse all day long the real and virtual sites on which the PlayStation 5 (or other products, the phenomenon also affects Pokémon cards for example) are on sale, to try to build up a personal stock then resell the machine for several hundred euros above its manufacturer’s recommended price, i.e. around €500 for the classic PS5 and its Blu-Ray player and €400 for the PS5 Digital Edition.

If you don’t have time to spend hours looking for a PS5 and you don’t have the determination to endure waiting lists, crashing sites and stock shortages that occur 3 seconds before validating your order, then, you can turn to Rakuten. The platform is reliable and the resellers (scalpers or not) are rated by Internet users. Be careful, you still have to have the means. PS5s typically cost over $600 there.

Either way, rather than giving your money to scalpers, we highly recommend waiting for stock to return from mainstream online merchants. As long as you don’t buy from a third-party reseller (like Amazon Marketplace for example), you won’t have any unpleasant surprises and the console will be at its normal price.

The idea is to keep all the tabs below open and monitor them closely.

  • See PS5 Stock at Amazon
  • See PS5 stocks at Fnac
  • See PS5 stocks at Cdiscount
  • Check PS5 stocks at Micromania
  • See PS5 stocks at Cultura
  • See PS5 stocks at Boulanger

To maximize your chances, you have to go further: open customer accounts with each of these large e-commerce sites and remember to enter your payment method. Either way, you’ll need an account to checkout. Restocking only lasts a few minutes, every second counts. The time lost in creating an account and then paying is often decisive. Better, some merchants can even send you an alert in case of restocking!

It is also sometimes possible to have a PS5 by going to a physical store such as Micromania or Fnac. Some sell their PlayStation 5s as soon as they receive them and others practice pre-orders: they then add you to a waiting list (often subject to the payment of a deposit) and call you when they receive a PS5. This method also requires a lot of patience and finding a store likely to have PlayStation 5s.

Finally, do not hesitate to follow our site. This news will be updated throughout the month. Our job also consists of closely monitoring each restocking, so you will be informed almost immediately. Courage, with determination and a bit of luck, it will eventually pass!

Through Warial, Journalist




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