Rich in Fiber and Nutrients 6 Fruits That Help You Lose Weight | Natural Sugars | Protein | Water

[The Epoch Times, July 6, 2022](Compiled and reported by Epoch Times reporter Li Yiwen)fruitCan help us lose weight, which is rich in fruitsfiber, water and various nutrients.The fruit also containsnatural sugar, which can curb cravings for processed sweets. Several studies have also shown that moderate fruit intake is associated with weight loss.

Here are 6 things that can effectively help people lose weightfruit


Apples are low in calories,fiberhigh content. High-fiber foods can help slow gastric emptying, increase the body’s digestion and absorption time, and prolong satiety.

A medium-sized apple weighing 200 grams has 4.8 grams of fiber, which is 19% of the recommended daily nutrient intake (DV) value for women and 12.6% for men.

According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, apples have twice the satiety index of white bread, 1.31 times that of eggs, and 1.11 times that of beef.

Apple’s high fiber content increases the digestion and absorption time of the human body and prolongs the feeling of fullness. (Shutterstock)

The satiety index refers to the different levels of satiety consuming the same calorie food. It was developed by Australian scientist Dr. Susanna Holt.lose weight” says: “In simple terms, food contains fiber,proteinAnd the more water you have, the longer you will feel full. “

In addition, the compounds contained in apples also havelose weighteffect. For example, apple polyphenols can change the signal transduction in adipose tissue and play an anti-obesity effect.


Kiwis are higher in vitamin C than lemons, with 74.7 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of medium-sized kiwifruit (53 mg for lemons), or 83% of the DV. Vitamin C helps control cholesterol levels, promotes gut health, and aids in weight loss.

According to an article published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people with higher levels of vitamin C had a 30 percent increase in body fat oxidation during moderate-intensity exercise.

kiwi peel
A mini kiwi the size of a grape, with a smooth skin and suitable for eating whole. (Shutterstock)

And another study, published in Nutrients, found that people with prediabetes who ate 2 kiwis a day for 12 weeks lost 3.1 centimeters in waist circumference.

Kiwis are also rich in fiber, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a 100-gram medium-sized green kiwi has 3 grams of fiber.

The fiber of kiwifruit is mainly insoluble fiber, with 2.7 grams. Insoluble fiber helps increase stool bulk, improve bowel regularity, and prevent constipation.

Avocado (aka avocado, avocado)

Avocados are one of the highest-fiber fruits, according to the USDA, 100 grams of avocados contain 6.7 grams of dietary fiber.

One study found that people might lose weight by simply increasing their intake of foods high in fiber.

The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, compared two groups of overweight people who used different diets. One group only increased fiber foods to ensure at least 30 grams of fiber per day; the other group People following the American Heart Association’s (AHA)-recommended heart-healthy, low-fat diet plan that adds vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, and high-fiber foods to their diets and limits sugar, carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol, and alcohol . After 12 months, the two groups lost similar weight.

Not only is avocado high in fiber, it’s also high in fat, with 14.7 grams of fat in 100 grams, 2.3 times that of lean beef and 2.4 times that of chicken. But the fats in avocados are healthy monounsaturated fats, the same type of fats found in olive oil. This fat reduces heart disease and stroke rates, lowers bad cholesterol in the blood, and helps control blood pressure and blood sugar.

The monounsaturated fats in avocados can also help reduce cravings following meals.

Avocados are one of the highest-fiber fruits. (Pixabay)

A study in the Nutrition Journal found that overweight adults who ate half a Hass avocado for lunch extended satiety for three to five hours following the meal.

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Another study published in Nutrients showed that consumers high in avocado (32 grams or more per day) gained less weight and BMI than non-avocados over a 5-year follow-up. consumer.

Note: BMI is an index used to measure healthy body weight. It is weight (kg) divided by height (meters) squared. The ideal BMI should be between 18.5 and 24.9.

A before-and-following comparison found that people who regularly ate avocados were 9 percent less likely to be overweight or obese within five years.

However, due to the high calorie content of avocados, containing 160 calories per 100 grams, professionals recommend limiting your daily intake. In an article on health website Health Essentials, functional medicine nutritionist Ariana Cucuzza says you can eat half an avocado a day.

grapefruit (grapefruit)

Grapefruit is low in calories, with only regarding 51.7 calories for half a grapefruit weighing 123 grams. At the same time, the water content of grapefruit can be as high as 87.8%.

Studies have found that consuming low-energy-density foods that are high in water content and low in calories before meals can help increase satiety and reduce food intake.

Grapefruit and Grapefruit Juice. (Africa Studio/Shutterstock)

An article published in “Nutrition & Metabolism” showed that following 12 weeks of eating grapefruit, drinking grapefruit juice or water before meals, subjects lost an average of 7.1% in body weight and 4.5 cm in waist circumference. Subjects who drank grapefruit or grapefruit juice had improved lipid levels.

Grapefruit is also a high-fiber fruit, with nearly 2 grams of fiber per half of a grapefruit, which helps increase satiety.


Oranges are low in calories and high in water. 100 grams of oranges contain only 52 calories and 86.7 grams of water. At the same time, oranges are high in fiber, containing 2 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams.

Oranges with more water and fiber tend to make people feel full, and their satiety index is comparable to that of apples, higher than eggs, beef, and whole-wheat bread.

Yellow oranges (diced, oranges) have edible value from the pulp to the skin.  (Shutterstock)
Oranges with more water and fiber tend to make people feel full. (Shutterstock)

In addition, oranges contain flavonoids that can help with weight control. A report published in the Journal of Lipid Research found that oranges’ citrus flavonoids can promote energy expenditure and increase the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver, thereby helping to reduce the number of fat cells and reverse obesity.


The raspberry is particularly high in fiber, with 6.5 grams of fiber per 100 grams, and it’s also a high-water fruit with 85.6 grams of water per 100 grams, but it’s only 57 calories.

High-fiber, low-calorie raspberries help us maintain our weight. And it tastes sweet and can satisfy our sweet tooth too.

Raspberries also contain compounds that aid in weight loss. According to a study published in Life Sciences, raspberry ketones, the main aromatic compounds of red raspberries, have anti-obesity properties and improve lipid metabolism, by inducing the breakdown of fat cells for weight loss and Reduce the effect of fatty liver.

Responsible editor: Han Yu#

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