Russian President Welcomes King Mohammed VI and Discusses Food Security at Russia-Africa Summit

2023-07-28 20:38:58

The Russian President welcomed, in an intervention, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, expressing the wish to see bilateral relations evolve and go in the same momentum as that launched during His Majesty’s visit to Russia in 2016.

Referring to issues relating to food security in Africa and around the world, Mr. Putin praised the “considerable measures taken by His Majesty the King” to ease global tensions over food products.

Morocco is represented at this summit, which is attended by several African Heads of State and Heads of Government, by the Head of Government, Mr. Akhannouch, who reiterated Morocco’s “permanent attachment” to its relations with its various strategic partners.

On this occasion, he noted that the distinguished diplomatic relations that Morocco has had with Russia since the 18th century have been considerably strengthened since the visit of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to Moscow in 2016.

On this occasion “an in-depth strategic partnership was established, which concerns a wide range of areas of cooperation, including agriculture, energy, fisheries, science and technology, culture and higher education”, said he recalled.

Mr. Akhannouch also noted that the second Russia-Africa Summit is taking place in a “turbulent and unclear international context, marked by instability and the escalation of conflicts and tensions in several regions of the world”.

In this context, the Head of Government mentioned the essential and fundamental constants on which rests “Morocco’s position in the face of the current crises”. According to Mr. Akhannouch, this involves respect for the territorial integrity of the Member States of the United Nations, respect for the principles of international law and the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, in addition to the use of peaceful settlement of disputes and avoiding the use of force.

“In this context, and given the challenges posed by the Ukrainian crisis in terms of food and energy security, particularly on the African continent, the Kingdom of Morocco believes in the need to intensify efforts and encourage international cooperation. and regional”, and this in order to meet the challenges of this crisis, remove the obstacles, and build a future able to ensure the food and energy security of all the countries of the continent, pointed out the Head of Government.

Mr. Akhannouch arrived in Saint Petersburg on Thursday to represent His Majesty King Mohammed VI at the second Russia-Africa Summit, which is being held on July 27 and 28 in the cultural capital of Russia.

The Moroccan delegation taking part in this international event also includes Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, and Morocco’s Ambassador to Russia, Lotfi Bouchaara.

#Russia #relations #Morocco #strengthen



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