Samsung to Launch Low-Cost Foldable Phone to Compete with iPhone 16: All You Need to Know

2024-03-23 01:04:33

Samsung is planning to launch its first foldable phone at a low price this year, and according to reports coming from the South Korean company’s home country, the plan is for this phone to be available during next September, with the aim of trying to negatively influence sales of its rival Apple’s phone, the upcoming iPhone 16.

Apple launches a new iPhone in the fall of every year, and these are the phones that achieve huge sales and are essential for the company’s revenues. Samsung wants to intensify the competition by launching one of its interesting foldable phones in conjunction with the arrival of the iPhone 16, and exploiting the American giant’s delay in providing phones with foldable screens. Until now.

According to information published by the South Korean network The Elec, which is close to sources within Samsung, the plan to launch a foldable phone at a low price is on the right track, and the phone might arrive during the current year 2024.

The report explained that the phone that will come within the Galaxy Z Flip 6 family will have less camera and battery, allowing it to be offered at a low price, but it will offer the same experience of using a phone that can be folded in a clamshell in terms of design, screen, and manufacturing quality.

The network confirmed that Samsung’s data shows a great tendency for smartphone users to purchase a foldable phone instead of traditional phones, and that the manufacturing quality and prices cause them to retreat from making the decision, and with the improvement of production and low-cost components for foldable phones compared to previous years, the company wants to take another proactive step to Al-Amam provides a phone at a competitive price.

The report does not mention a specific date for the launch of Samsung’s low-cost foldable phone, but it states that the plan is for it to arrive next September, coinciding with the launch of Apple’s iPhone 16.

Sources confirm that Samsung will produce large quantities of its upcoming foldable phones, the Galaxy Z Fold and Flip 6, as well as the low-cost version, and the launch of the next basic generation will most likely be in May, that is, two to three weeks before last year’s models.

In this sense, Samsung will not launch the low-cost model with the Flip 6 and Fold 6 phones in the summer, but it will be in the fall.

#Samsung #planning #spoil #launch #iPhone



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