Sara and John about the relationship today

Sara and John about the relationship today

Sara and John regarding life following filming

Published 2024-03-25 19.06



They disappeared from the limelight following the show.

In “Married at first sight – The big reunion” Sara and John Lannergren Wallén tell us that they are still married – and have two children.

– I found it very difficult to admit that yes, there are also things that are difficult, says John.

In 2018, they got married in SVT without having met before.

Since then have Sara Lannergren Wallén35, and John Lannergren Wallén36, has kept a low profile in public.

In “Married at First Sight – The Great Reunion” the couple stand in front of the TV cameras for the first time in several years and talk regarding their relationship. Viewers learn that they are still married, live together on a farm outside Uppsala and have two children.


full screenSara and John Lannergren Wallén. Photo: SVT

“There were no errors”

But the road there has not been straight.

– The biggest reward you might get was meeting her and everything we’ve created since then. If I had to do it over, I would do it to be with Sara. But we probably didn’t know that it would be such a big strain on the relationship, says John Lannergren Wallén in the program.

John and Sara quickly found each other during the filming, only when the cameras went off did the relationship become more difficult.

– What I found so difficult was that the wedding was euphoric, the honeymoon euphoric, there are no mistakes, no problems. Then some type of everyday life begins and then I thought it was very difficult to admit that yes, there are also things that are difficult, that are not obvious, says John Lannergren Wallén.


full screen John Lannergren Wallén. Photo: SVT

Took a break

Eventually, the problems became so great that they took a break – but reunited. Today, six years later, they still live together. But to participate in SVT’s reunion program, where the participants Anton and Sofia renews his promises, was not obvious at first.

– The reason why we choose to participate is to celebrate how we actually met. It’s an unusual way to meet, but also a strange story that feels so far behind in our history now, says Sara Lannergren Wallén.

“Married at first sight – The big reunion” is broadcast on SVT1 tonight at 9 p.m.


full screen Sara Lannergren Wallén. Photo: SVT


full screen John Wallén and Sara Lannergren in “Married at First Sight”. Photo: SVT



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