Secret evaluation! A supermarket has made most groceries more expensive

Supermarkets and discounters are reacting to the higher production and delivery costs. They pass the costs on to consumers. Background? In view of the rise in raw material, fuel and energy prices, many manufacturers had turned the price screw. At the same time it comes because of the Ukraine war to production losses and bottlenecks.

Aldi Süd and Aldi Nord had around 160 products around a week ago raised on the discounter shelf. Another 30 products followed this week. If you also count the different flavors, pack sizes or other so-called variants, you get around 420 positions, which have become more expensive within two weeks.

As a result of the adjustments, prices in almost all supermarkets and discounter markets have been raised since last weekend. At the same time, drugstore companies such as Rossmann, dm and Müller also adjusted the prices on the shelves.

Here some examples:

  • Deodorant by Rexona (Roll On Antitranspirant) instead of 1.79 euros now 1.95 euros.
  • liquid soap from Balea (raspberry & magnolia refill pack) instead of 75 cents now 85 cents.
  • toothpaste from Parodont expert now 4.95 euros instead of 3.95 euros.

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Supermarkets with most price adjustments

According to FOCUS online information, the full-range retailers recorded this Rewe and Edeka most of the price adjustments. Specifically, it is regarding almost over 600 positions that have increased over the past few days.

It’s regarding variants. So several varieties, flavors and pack sizes can be affected by one brand. The adjustments focus on flour, sugar, cooking oil, beer, toilet paper, milk, cleaning products, cola, chocolate and coffee. An internal evaluation is exclusively available to FOCUS Online.

The providers Kaufland, HIT and Marktkauf follow with around 400 variant articles.

“The situation is extremely tense and dynamic,” says an industry insider. “It would be wrong to say that only Aldi or Lidl raised prices.”

A Rewe merchant Munich even says: “We haven’t reached the tip of the iceberg yet. We also lack the ability to plan at the moment. We don’t know what’s coming.” Mustard and apricot jam might soon become scarce or “really more expensive”. The Rewe press office had not answered a request from FOCUS Online last Wednesday.

Hit, Kaufland, Lidl, Penny and Netto Marken-Discount also attract prices

After the “Lebensmittel Zeitung” reported on the price adjustments for the first time reported at Aldi Süd and Aldi Nord, the supermarkets also reacted. Hit, Kaufland, Lidl, Penny, Netto (in northern Germany) and Netto-Marken Discount also raised prices.

Specifically, the price of paprika chips, mineral water, beer, milk, coffee, minced meat, pasta, cooking oil, flour, corn and canned fish increased. In the drugstore segment, there were adjustments to toothpaste, soap, shampoo and cleaning products.

How are consumers now saving in the supermarket?

The price adjustments cannot be avoided entirely.

If you still want to save, you should find out regarding special offers. These are in the weekly brochures, in apps and on the online pages of the markets. If you are looking for digital solutions, you should always make sure that you are shown offers from your place of residence using your postcode.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables can reduce household budgets. Products that accept long journeys are more expensive. A case study: bananas have become almost 20 percent more expensive compared to December, avocados even by 30 percent. Some supermarkets charge up to 50 cents for a kiwi. In the previous year it was still a maximum of 39 cents.

Buy bulk packs. Because Germans buy larger quantities of food, manufacturers are increasingly offering XXL and family packs. However, you should always compare the 100 gram or kilo price on the price tag with the “normal” pack. In many cases, the savings are much lower than you might have hoped for.

It is also advisable to buy from several retailers. In view of the Corona-pandemic used to shopping at a supermarket. However, this one-stop shopping concept costs money.

More exciting tips you’ll find here.

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