Shocking Traffic Incident in Ghent: Watch the Video and Hear Geoffrey’s Story

2023-09-22 18:00:00

It was in shock that Geoffrey, 29, gave his version of the facts to our colleagues at Laatste Nieuws this Friday following an incident which took place in Ghent this Thursday followingnoon.

of videos

While he was traveling on the right side of the ring, the vehicle traveling to his left suddenly veered towards the right on a bend. So towards his car. “I then started honking to let him know that I was there,” says the young man.

But clearly, these alerts did not have the desired effect. “First the driver passed me, then he got right in front of my car and stopped […] A young man in his twenties then got out of the vehicle and started yelling at me, telling me that I should “have respect for others”.

He flees

Geoffrey then, in turn, wanted to get out, but the other driver was banging on his door. “When I managed to get out, we exchanged pet names. Then he suddenly punched me. And he even came face to face with my girlfriend. He was completely crazy.” The attacker then punched Geoffrey once more, before getting back into his car and speeding away.

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The couple then called the police. Witnesses witnessed the scene and one of them was even able to film the end of the altercation (watch here in video).

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In the process, Geoffrey went to the hospital, bleeding. He has several wounds, including a serious one, on his face, and pain in his head and neck. He is unable to work for five days.

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