Sottocorona’s warning about bad weather. Where and when – Time

Temperatures dropped dramatically and the cold made itself felt once more. It’s a shame that this happened a few days before the long weekend of April 25th and that, therefore, many people’s plans were ruined. But let’s find out how things really are. Also on Sunday Paolo Sottocorona connected live from the Omnibus studio and released the latest weather forecast. “This bad weather on the Adriatic is still affecting the Marche, Abruzzo and Molise quite well, with locally strong phenomena”: this is the expert’s premise. However, there is no shortage of “clear spells on the Tyrrhenian side”. In the South there is “some rain”. “Isolated and even intense rainfall” in Liguria and Lombardy, he specified.

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Does the beginning of the upcoming week bring with it good news? On Monday “there remains some rain on the Adriatic side but less intense. This situation seems to be easing”, she said, and then clarified immediately followingwards that “it is intensifying in the North, especially upper Tuscany and Western Liguria”. But that is not all. Because in Lombardy, Trentino Alto-Adige and Liguria “the situation is not settling down”. Then on Tuesday “everything gets worse in the North, Center and South”. Moral of the story? “It’s a cold and bad weather situation that won’t be resolved any time soon,” she said. The minimum temperatures? “For almost the end of April, these are very low values,” she concluded.

#Sottocoronas #warning #bad #weather #Time
2024-04-22 11:06:35



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