Garlic is so healthy

Garlic is healthy. We explain why and give tips on how to avoid the unpleasant smell after eating. Garlic: Fine tuber with many nutrients. – Pexels the essentials in brief Garlic is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. Sulfur compounds are responsible for the odor – and are antibiotics at the same time. Garlic … Read more

Difficult to heal the wound?Eat a class of vegetables to beat drug-resistant bacteria | Broccoli | Antibiotics | Anticancer compounds

Even if usedantibioticthe wound still refuses to heal for a long time, it is likely to be infecteddrug resistancebacteria. The study found,CruciferaeVegetables contain phytochemicals that break down bacteriaantibioticdrug resistancecontribute to the rapid recovery of wounds. Antibiotic resistance has been a growing problem for decades, making easily treatable infectious diseases life-threatening again. A common vegetable that … Read more

‘Changing ideas’ finds syphilis

Lee Seong-nak, editorial member When you think of sexually transmitted diseases, various pictures come to mind. First of all, I am a doctor who majored in dermatology. In my professional qualification, it is stated as ‘Facharzt für Dermatologie und Venerologie’. Syphilis, the most dreadful among sexually transmitted diseases, is expressed in various types of skin … Read more

The mother of the two children, “Iman and Sajda”: An alternative treatment prescribed by the pharmacist is a reason

11:36 p.m Wednesday 05 October 2022 Alexandria – Mohamed Amer: The mother of the two children, Eman and Sajda, said that she went to a pharmacy next to her place of residence in the Bashaer Al-Khair 3 area to receive a prescription for treatment for the two girls, who suffer from a high temperature and … Read more

Antibiotics kill gut bacteria and inflame the whole body?Do This to Prevent | Leaky Gut | Probiotics

In recent years,antibioticAbuse is one of the most serious problems. For example, people may take antibiotics for a cold, but colds are mostly caused by viruses, and antibiotics are not effective. Because the only function of antibiotics is to kill bacteria, such as Salmonella, which causes gastroenteritis. Or some people are superstitious about taking powerful … Read more

20 classes of medicine containing gemifloxacin after the decision to withdraw them from the market

The seventh day publishes a list of 20 medicinal classes containing the active substance gemifloxacin, which the Technical Committee for the Control of Medicines decided to withdraw from the market and stop its circulation. These medicines, which are antibiotics, are used to treat bacterial infections, respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, and otitis media The Technical Committee … Read more

“I don’t take antibiotics, it’s already spread all over the world”… Resistant bacteria as dangerous as COVID-19

“More than the annual deaths from malaria and AIDS” Shigella bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. /Photo = U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [아시아경제 나예은 기자] A study result has shown that people infected with ‘antibiotic-resistant bacteria’, which are as serious as COVID-19 and do not even work with antibiotics, have already spread … Read more