A consultant explains the difference between “Alzheimer’s”, “forgetfulness” and “dementia”..and reveals the best diet that maintains memory strength Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Neurosurgeon Dr. Bayan Ali explained the difference between Alzheimer’s, forgetfulness and dementia, and revealed the diet that maintains memory strength. “Alzheimer’s is one of the types of dementia, and forgetfulness is a transient condition that everyone goes through,” she said, during an interview with the “Yahla” program broadcast on the Gulf Rotana channel, … Read more

Get to know “frontal dementia” and aphasia after “Bruce Willis” is ill: PPTVHD36

From the case of the family of Bruce Willis, a famous Hollywood actor, 67 years old, who has many performances that became known around the world, such as Die Hard, was revealed yesterday ( February 16) that he was diagnosed with frontal dementia (Frontotemporal Dementia; FTD), while earlier, at the end of 2022, announced his … Read more

Alzheimer’s disease diagnosed in a 19-year-old patient is the earliest known case

One of the biggest risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease is age, but it can also occur in very young patients. Beijing doctors describe the case of a 19-year-old man who has all the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. The vast majority of the 850,000 people with Alzheimer’s in France are over 65, but among those diagnosed, there … Read more

Dementia: 12 risk factors – even at a young age | life & knowledge

Do you often have to ask questions during conversations because you didn’t understand a sentence or a few words correctly? Or do acquaintances ever wonder how loud you have turned your television on? New research provides a case for not taking the onset of hearing loss lightly. The neurologist Prof. Kathrin Reetz explains how hearing … Read more

New biomarkers identified for second most common form of dementia – healing practice

New insights into frontotemporal dementia The number of people attending dementia fall ill has been increasing for years. Effective treatments are not yet available. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD), which is also called Morbus Pick is known to be the second most common form of dementia. Researchers now have new ones Biomarker identified for the disease. A … Read more

“Do you often use the expression ‘dick’ in conversation?”

* Photography = shutter stock Alzheimer’s disease, commonly referred to as senile dementia, is a disease that gradually worsens over time. The time of onset, the rate of deterioration, and symptoms vary from person to person. However, there are common behaviors along the way from normal cognitive functioning to severe terminal dementia. These are called … Read more

Health Network “Technology tools can help!Study: Social isolation may increase risk of dementia in older adults – Xinhua English.news.cn

Studies in the United States have pointed out that social isolation is one of the risk factors for dementia in the elderly. Regular social interaction with people through simple methods such as exchanging text messages and E-mails can reduce the risk. schematic diagram. (The picture is taken from photoAC) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Humans are social animals. … Read more