Active in old age – How to keep your brain active

Many people associate forgetfulness with the diagnosis “Alzheimer’s” or “dementia”. But not everyone who is forgetful is also demented. We all forget something from time to time, including young people. This is a necessary mechanism of the brain to protect itself from overstimulation. Risk factors for developing dementia However, there are certain life circumstances, behaviors … Read more

Mental health is more important than physical health after Jhonier Leal case

Likewise, he said that, although the mental and physical health They go very hand in hand, they are totally different elements, because eating a balanced diet and constant physical activity, even if regulate emotional calm and stress loads, does not imply that it includes in a mental strengthening to a situation of extreme desolation. “You … Read more

The global population with dementia will exceed 150 million by 2050 Experts: Smoking and obesity are risks

Some foreign studies have pointed out that by 2050, the global dementia population may exceed 150 million people, which will increase nearly three times compared with 2019. ( [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]With the increase in life expectancy, dementia has become the top cause of death in many advanced countries. Some foreign studies have pointed out that … Read more