Sánchez will change the amnesty law to give more guarantees to Junts | Spain

After an intense month of negotiations, PSOE, ERC and Junts have closed the agreement on the amnesty law that consolidates the legislature and opens the door to the Budgets. The three groups announced this Wednesday an agreement for an amendment that will once again modify the rule that is being voted on this Thursday in … Read more

The PP will ask this Monday in Congress for the resignation of President Francina Armengol | Spain

The spokesperson for the Popular Group in Congress, Miguel Tellado, announced this Sunday that the PP will register this Monday in the Lower House a letter requesting the immediate resignation of the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, “due to her obvious involvement” in the Koldo case. “Everything indicates that he collaborated with the plot and … Read more

The push from the Justice commission opens the door to an imminent pact between the PSOE and Junts on the amnesty | Spain

Pedro Sánchez leaves this Tuesday on an official trip to Brazil and Chile, a journey of more than 20,000 kilometers that will conclude on Friday, with the feeling that the legislature will remain on track while he is there. The agreement between the PSOE and Junts on the amnesty law is a matter of hours, … Read more

‘Koldo Case’: The PP already knows everything | Spain

Koldo García met secretly with Miguel Tellado. The former advisor of José Luis Ábalos acted on behalf of the plot that allegedly paid him illegal commissions and went to the PP with the task of stopping the Balearic Islands Government’s claim to return 2.6 million euros for a batch of masks that were not corresponded … Read more

PSOE and Junts are close to reaching an agreement on the amnesty and making progress in the Budgets | Spain

The Government finally has a certainty to cling to in an uncertain legislature full of twists and turns, where the outbreak and severity of the Koldo case They have turned the failure of the PSOE and Sumar in the Galician elections into a secondary setback. The amnesty, the key on which the longevity of the … Read more

The amnesty law under the magnifying glass of the Venice Commission: the keys to the draft | Spain

The draft opinion of the Venice Commission on the proposed amnesty law for those accused of the process finds positive aspects in the norm, such as the objective of “political reconciliation”, but also warns of issues that should be reconsidered, such as regulating the measure of grace through a constitutional reform, and highlights important shortcomings. … Read more

Spain finalizes sanctions for a first group of 12 violent Israeli settlers | Spain

The Spanish Government has already begun the procedures to impose sanctions on a first group of 12 violent Israeli settlers, as announced this Monday by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, before the Joint Congress-Senate Commission. These settlers, who have harassed and attacked the Palestinian population in the West Bank to force them … Read more

Government: Junts’ yeses pending | Spain

This Monday, at nine in the morning, the Ministry of Labor offers unemployment data for the last month. While waiting for the percentages and details to be dissected by the second vice president and holder of that portfolio, Yolanda Díaz, there is a certain optimism in the Government regarding the evolution of the labor market … Read more