The threats from Ayuso’s chief of staff reveal the PP’s nervousness over the scandal involving the president’s partner | Spain

The message that Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, chief of staff of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has posted in the biography of his official X account (formerly Twitter) reads: “I am saddened by the increasingly lower level of Spanish public life ”. His last tweet, from March 14, says: “After the disproportionate attack by the … Read more

Yolanda Díaz marks ground against the PSOE | Spain

The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, left an image this Thursday open to political interpretation: sitting on the blue bench and with a very serious gesture while Pedro Sánchez, María Jesús Montero and Félix Bolaños applauded the approval of the amnesty law. The leader of Sumar has also made clear gestures in the last two … Read more

Feijóo charges against Sánchez: “Pack your bags and abandon the responsibilities that you do not exercise” | Spain

The hardness in Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s tone advances one step more every day. Only 24 hours following Congress approved the amnesty law by an absolute majority, the leader of the PP appeared before his people at a party event in Ávila, where he made all kinds of statements once morest the Government. “If citizens are … Read more

This was the public rescue of the Air Europa airline, the operation that the PP clings to to attack Sánchez | Economy

The rescue of Air Europa is at the center of the complaint that the PP plans to present to the Conflict of Interest Office because it considers that in the Council of Ministers, chaired by Pedro Sánchez, “decisions were made favorable to a company that had links of an economic and professional nature with his … Read more

The PP advances that it will denounce Sánchez for the alleged relationship between the rescue of Air Europa and his wife | Spain

In an action-reaction movement, the PP announced this Wednesday that it will register a complaint tomorrow with the Conflict of Interest Office “to determine the responsibility of the President of the Government for not being absent from the Councils of Ministers that made decisions favorable to a company that had ties of an economic and … Read more

FAES: The PP comes out in defense of Aznar for 11-M: “It is not the day for them to dedicate themselves to attacking those who were in the Government” | Spain

The current leadership of the PP came out this Monday in defense of the Government of José María Aznar in the face of the “attacks” that it claims it receives for its controversial management of the attacks of March 11, 2004, exactly two decades ago today. “20 years have passed since a very hard day … Read more

Balearic officials, on contracts with the ‘Koldo case’ network: “No one from management was pressured to buy masks” | Spain

Ask. The PP denounces that a position from the Balearic Health Institute sent an email to another colleague just two days following the merchandise arrived suggesting that it was defective and might not be used in hospitals. What exactly were they referring to? Answer. The order contains the following description: 118618 FFP2 KN95 FACIAL PROTECTION … Read more

Koldo García’s long hand in the Ministry of Transportation: “He was very insistent” | Spain

Koldo García learned to move like a fish in water at the Ministry of Transportation. For this 54-year-old former escort, born in Barakaldo (Bizkaia), on the Left Bank of the Nervión estuary, the bowels of the Government became a new terrain in which to test his skills. He landed in the department at the hands … Read more