“The Scepter: A Powerful Symbol of India’s Heritage and Democracy”

2023-05-24 08:18:52 ) New Delhi: The BJP government is planning to install the scepter as a symbol of power in India’s new Parliament building. According to South Indian tradition, the scepter is the seal of royal authority. Scepter has no small connection with post-independence democratic India. History of Scepter 1947 was the time when India … Read more

Samuel Fosso, the fake narcissus who pays homage in photos to the icons of History

2023-05-22 14:11:39 Published on : 22/05/2023 – 16:11Modified : 22/05/2023 – 16:15 The guest of “Afrique Hebdo” this week imagines himself as a black pope, a local chief, Martin Luther King or even a lookalike of the communist leader Mao. In his self-portraits, Samuel Fosso captures the complexity of black and African identities, he recounts … Read more

“Brussels-Malines Steam Train Project: Abandoned due to Complexity and Safety Regulations”

2023-05-14 07:38:00 The project to run a steam train on the oldest railway line in continental Europe, Brussels-Malines (1835), supported by the Train World museum and the SNCB, has been abandoned, according to a response from the Minister of Mobility, Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo), to a parliamentary question. The file turned out to be too complex … Read more

“The Bitter Truth: How Karnataka Politics’ Love for Lemons Turned Sour”

2023-05-14 14:58:45 It’s been a while. Vidhan Soudha, Karnataka’s secretariat, is all set to become active again. All those who won the assembly elections will reach Vidhan Soudha. But when it comes down to it, there are some things they shouldn’t bring along. Cigarettes, matches, lighters, Kochupichathi, other sharp weapons, and ‘Nimbe Hannu’! What happened? … Read more

“Zelensky vows to defeat modern evil in Ukraine, likening it to defeat of Nazism”

2023-05-08 07:42:00 “All the old evil that modern Russia is bringing back will be defeated the same way Nazism was defeated,” Zelensky said in an address posted on his social media soon after another large-scale Russian attack on Kyiv, the capital. during which more than thirty kamikaze drones were shot down over the capital. “Just … Read more

“New Insights into the End of the Dinosaurs: A Fresh Look at the Chicxulub Crater”

2023-05-02 12:39:00 In his doctoral thesis, VUB geologist Pim Kaskes takes a fresh look at the end of the dinosaurs, when the “fastest geological process ever observed” occurred, he writes. His research starts from the crater of Chicxulub, in Mexico, where the impact between a meteorite the size of the Brussels Region and the Earth … Read more