NASA’s Ultra-High-Definition Cat Video Breakthrough

2023-12-20 20:30:21 NASA has made a cat famous. The incident occurred because NASA recently tested a new technology for transmitting ultra-high-definition short videos back to Earth at high speed in deep space, and succeeded, breaking through the current wireless transmission speed limit. But many people’s focus is on the protagonist of the short film – … Read more

Michelle Yeoh and her husband returned to Maratha to make up for the wedding banquet and wrote “Love Never Dies” in their funny wedding photos

2023-12-19 23:30:46 The 61-year-old Michelle Yeoh (Michelle Yeoh), the first Asian Oscar-winning actress, announced in July this year that she was getting married in Switzerland with her French tycoon boyfriend Jean Todt, who she has been dating for 19 years. At that time, they had already announced that they would return to their hometown of … Read more

Mandy Lieu’s mid-level mansion has multiple ceiling mirrors in the master room to set the mood and feng shui?

2023-12-17 07:15:36 Mandy currently lives in a British manor, living a idyllic life with her four children. (Website image) Mandy Lieu signed a document two years ago across the ocean, pledging the high-rise unit of her Mid-Levels mansion, Jui Ran, with a market value of NT$120 million, as a loan guarantee to repay the debts … Read more

News Queen plot|Gao Haining asks Charmaine Sheh for conditions, and black material about He Yiting’s sister’s accident is revealed

2023-12-06 13:05:51 In the 13th episode of “News Queen”, Ma Guoming’s MeToo incident ended due to a pure misunderstanding. Gong Ci’en wanted to win over Li Shihua to become the third force of SNK News, but she did not agree. On the other hand, Charmaine Sheh promoted Gao Haining to take over to check and … Read more

Hong Kong Airlines Mega Sale | Grab cheap one-way tickets to Yonago, Japan, starting at 10:00 on Monday for $380

2023-11-26 10:00:39 Hong Kong Airlines recently announced that in order to celebrate its 17th anniversary, it will launch an eight-day limited-time air ticket promotion from tomorrow (27th) to December 4th, offering more than 50,000 one-way tickets with fares as low as NT$210. and covers a total of 14 destinations in China, Japan, South Korea and … Read more

Jackal@Dear Jane announced her wedding without warning and showed off her wedding dress photos in a low-key manner. The bride is sexy and bare-backed.

2023-11-18 07:00:20 The band Dear Jane has been in the music scene for more than ten years. The 43-year-old member Jackal (Wu Hanbang) is the bass guitarist of the band. Jackal has always kept a low profile on his love life since his debut. The last time he publicly discussed his relationship status was two … Read more

Oscar-winning actress Michelle Yeoh said she was very happy after receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of Science and Technology: Hong Kong is my home

2023-11-17 09:44:45 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology held a degree awarding ceremony today to confer an honorary doctorate in humanities to Oscar-winning actress Michelle Yeoh. In an interview with the media following the ceremony, Michelle Yeoh thanked HKUST and said that becoming a doctor has been a dream since she was a … Read more

Infinite Road III – The Expanse: A Journey Through Xinjiang with Chen Beier

2023-11-14 13:00:20 The 10-episode TVB program “Infinite Road III – The Expanse” (hereinfollowing referred to as “The Expanse”) hosted by Chen Beier will be broadcast on two nights this Thursday (16th) and Friday (17th) To set the scene, the filming team first crossed the Wensu Grand Canyon, which Tang Sanzang passed through to take the … Read more