5 Candidates for KPK Pansel Members Come from the Government – 2024-05-09 10:50:21

Coordinator of the President’s Special Staff, Ari Dwipayana, revealed that from the nine members of the selection committee for KPK leadership candidates (MI/susanto) Presidential Special Staff COORDINATOR Ari Dwipayana revealed that five of the nine members of the selection committee (pansel) for candidates for leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) came from the government. … Read more

Supplementary Budget Bill and Economic Policies in Japan: Updates and Impact on Rising Prices

2023-11-24 12:18:01 The supplementary budget bill for this fiscal year, with a total general account budget of 13,199.2 billion yen, was voted on at the House of Representatives Budget Committee on the 24th, following a closing question and answer session attended by Prime Minister Kishida and all cabinet ministers. The bill was passed with a … Read more

Japanese Government’s 13.2 Trillion Yen Supplementary Budget Bill Passed – Analysis and Impact

2023-11-24 08:45:57 The supplementary budget bill for this fiscal year, with a total general account budget of 13,199.2 billion yen, was voted on at the House of Representatives Budget Committee on the 24th, following a closing question and answer session attended by Prime Minister Kishida and all cabinet ministers. The bill was passed with a … Read more

U.S. House of Representatives Passes Short-Term Spending Bill to Avoid Government Shutdown: Latest Updates

2023-11-14 23:49:48 The U.S. House of Representatives passed a short-term spending bill on Tuesday (14th) to avoid a federal government shutdown. The bill is now sent to the Senate, and leaders of both parties in the Senate have expressed support. The newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson successfully overcame the opposition of some Republican colleagues … Read more

Speaker Mike Johnson: The Latest News and Analysis on the US House of Representatives

2023-11-15 02:07:13 At the lectern in what is probably the most important parliament in the world is a man who until recently only experts knew. Mike Johnson has been the speaker in the US House of Representatives for three weeks and as such is number three in the state following President Joe Biden and his … Read more

High-Ranking Website: Turbulent Week for the Health System and the Crisis in the Health Reform Debate

2023-11-01 20:48:59 After a turbulent week for the health system, with the crisis due to the shortage of medicines and the lawsuit between EPS Sanitas and Cruz Verde, it was expected that regarding half of the articles that were pending from the last session would be voted on today. However, just a few minutes before … Read more

US House passes proposal, threat of job shutdown | Economy

2023-10-01 07:12:00 30 sep 2023 om 22:34 Update: 24 minuten geleden The US House of Representatives on Saturday temporarily prevented a government shutdown. The disaster was averted by adopting a proposal from Republican Kevin McCarthy for emergency funding. The bridging period is 45 days. The Senate must still approve the proposal and President Joe Biden … Read more

Live Updates: US Congressional Election Results and Senate Balance of Power

2022-11-13 08:00:00 A crime count has been running for days following the US congressional elections. Now there is at least clarity regarding the balance of power in the Senate. In the House of Representatives, where the majority is still unclear, the Republicans have a better chance of gaining control – which might make the next … Read more