Dates set for formalizing the Democratic candidacy

The Democratic Party will choose its candidate for the US presidential elections in the first week of Augustannounced the president of the Democratic National Committee, Jaime Harrison. You may also like: California | Los Angeles street vendors can operate without restrictions According to Harrison, via a conference call with American media, the nomination process will … Read more

Joe Biden tames Democrats but new health mystery –

US President Joe Biden has strengthened his candidacy for re-election and averted further defections among Democratic members of Congress. The Washington Post reports that, upon the resumption of activities on Capitol Hill, Biden has received the support of several party leaders, thus managing to put aside (at least for the moment) the growing voices among … Read more

How the European Union is coping with new challenges

On a powder keg – The situation in the Middle East is heating up. Iran attacked Israeli territory, Israel announced planned retaliatory strikes. How does this affect Europe as a whole, Latvia? – In Europe, the hottest place is Ukraine, but if we look more broadly at the world map, we will see several points … Read more

how to use opportunities and set realistic goals?

Don’t heat the street — The European Parliament recently adopted a directive on increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. What does this mean for Latvia? – The truths contained in this directive – you need to put your house in order and save heat – are taught in school, grade, probably in the third. But … Read more

Loverdos to the Democrats with 5 MEP candidates from Achaia! – 2024-04-09 19:57:34

If nothing else, the president of the “Democrats” Andreas Loverdos does not forget his birthplace. After all, not four, five are the MEP candidates of his party who draw their origin from Achaia. A. Loverdos himself, the vice-president Theodoros Papatheodorou, Lena Karalis from Patras, Emilia Kakavanis from Aigio (announced yesterday with 12 other candidates) and … Read more Single charge: The European Union is working on coordinated actions

— Recently, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that new approaches to the expansion of the European Union are needed. In particular, she proposed to carry out the accession of the Balkan countries, Moldova and Ukraine through an accelerated procedure, without waiting for them to carry out all the necessary … Read more

Contender Emerges for House Republicans’ Unfilled Appropriations Seat

2023-11-03 09:13:31 As House Republicans’ open appropriations seat remains unfilled due to the drama of the past month, a new contender for the seat is emerging: Utah Rep. Burgess Owens is considering a bid. Owens, a former NFL safety who played for the New York Jets and Oakland Raiders — now the Las Vegas Raiders — would … Read more