Every third illness remains undiscovered – thus recognizing hypertension – Heilpraxis

Hypertension: Affected people often do not know about their disease high blood pressure is one of the most widespread diseases in Germany. The number of unreported cases is particularly high. Around 30 percent of those affected do not know that they hypertension to have. Because the disease often causes only mild symptoms for a long … Read more

Do not leave yourself to the “silent killer” .. here is a “complete prescription” to brake “blood pressure”

Questions begin among individuals about the causes, the way to control high blood pressure, and the symptoms that may increase the complications associated with it. At the outset, you must know the concept of high blood pressure; It is the force with which blood is pumped from the heart to the arteries, so that the … Read more

Higher stats can be beneficial – Healing Practice

Blood pressure in the elderly: higher target values ​​sometimes beneficial Millions of people suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). Those affected are usually advised to fight their condition by leading a healthier lifestyle, getting enough exercise and eating a balanced diet. In addition, medication is often used. But how far the blood pressure values ​​should … Read more

Blurring and blurring of vision are signs of high blood pressure

The British Heart Foundation confirmedBHF) that Hypertension It rarely has noticeable symptoms, although there are some possible symptoms of high blood pressure, and these symptoms include blurred vision, which can be a warning sign that your blood pressure is too high. Blood pressure, nosebleeds, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, headache. There will not always … Read more