The Dangers of Prolonged Sitting: Increase in Mortality Risk and How to Stay Active

2023-10-26 04:57:23 Sitting for long periods of time may increase the risk of death. (Schematic diagram/photo by Jiao Zhengde) Many office workers often sit for hours due to their busy work schedule. However, it should be noted that sitting for long periods of time may increase the risk of death. Huang Xuan, a thoracic and … Read more

“Boost Cancer Survival with Daily Vitamin D: Latest Meta-Study Reveals Significant Results”

2023-05-14 09:02:00 According to a meta-study, the risk of death in cancer patients can be reduced by taking a small dose of vitamin D every day. Taking it reduced the mortality of cancer patients by an average of twelve percent. In contrast, the analysis of studies with high single doses had shown no effect on … Read more

“The Link Between Diabetes, Sugary Drinks, and Mortality: A Study by the British Medical Journal”

2023-04-22 04:46:43 (Schematic diagram / flipped from pexels) According to estimates by the National Health Administration, there are more than 2.3 million diabetics in Taiwan. In this regard, nephrologist Wang Jieli also quoted the latest research that pointed out that patients with type 2 diabetes who drink more than 1 serving (150 kcal) of sugary … Read more

The reason why you should go to bed early today

[사진=PEXELS] Another reason not to sleep late at night is added. Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey have found that owls are at a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. Staying up all night reduced your ability to use fat for energy. On the 21st (local time), the overseas media TechExploreist reported. The … Read more

An important vitamin for the elderly over 70 years old .. reduces the risk of death

08:00 ص Friday 10 June 2022 agenciesHealthy lifestyle choices can lead to a long and healthy life, such as making sure you get all the essential vitamins and minerals.One vitamin in particular has been shown to have life-enhancing effects, vitamin D, which is used to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.These … Read more

Higher stats can be beneficial – Healing Practice

Blood pressure in the elderly: higher target values ​​sometimes beneficial Millions of people suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). Those affected are usually advised to fight their condition by leading a healthier lifestyle, getting enough exercise and eating a balanced diet. In addition, medication is often used. But how far the blood pressure values ​​should … Read more