On Friday the payment of the installment of the first two months of 2024 – 2024-03-29 20:00:34

Peloponnese Newsroom Next Friday, March 29, 2024, OPECA will pay the first bimonthly installment of the A21 child allowance for 2024. This payment of child benefit-A21 which is granted by OPECA concerns the first two months of 2024 (January – February 2024) and its amount is determined by the income declared by the beneficiaries for … Read more

Natural Home Remedies for Excessive Sweating: Say Goodbye to Sweat Stains and Odors

2023-10-11 22:10:14 Sometimes it can be quite sweaty. Heavy sweating is annoying, but it is normal and important for the body. However, it is extremely unpleasant when beads of sweat run down your face, your feet smell bad or sweat stains appear on your clothing. There are home remedies that can naturally help once morest … Read more

“Boost Cancer Survival with Daily Vitamin D: Latest Meta-Study Reveals Significant Results”

2023-05-14 09:02:00 According to a meta-study, the risk of death in cancer patients can be reduced by taking a small dose of vitamin D every day. Taking it reduced the mortality of cancer patients by an average of twelve percent. In contrast, the analysis of studies with high single doses had shown no effect on … Read more

Minsal expands target groups for bivalent vaccination amid criticism for low inoculation | National

Next Monday, January 16, people from the age of 50 will be included for vaccination with bivalent doses. Likewise, from the Minsal they announced that other target groups may also be inoculated from that date with this vaccine. In the midst of criticism from mayors and ex-authorities, due to coverage and low inoculation, this Thursday … Read more

Bivalent vaccine against covid: specialists accuse slowness and point to communication strategy | National

Specialists referred to the vaccination plan with a bivalent vaccine once morest covid, where they accused the slowness of the process and pointed to a “more aggressive communication strategy.” The detection of the BF.7 variant of the coronavirus in Chile, which comes from China and is highly contagiousput the country’s health authorities on alert. Although, … Read more

get vaccinated now or wait for the bivalent

SUBSCRIBERS EXCLUSIVE The new version also protects once morest Ómicron and reduces infections. Other countries in the region advanced to have it, but in Argentina there are still no news. The will of the population to vaccinate once morest Covid was reactivated in the last two weeks from the increasingly marked rise in cases. However, … Read more

Monkey pox. The High Authority for Health seized on the interest of a second dose of

The monkey pox continues to worry the whole world and raise many questions. According franceinfo , the government would currently take stock of the epidemic in order to know whether or not it is necessary to recommend a second dose of vaccine to the target populations. The High Authority for Health (HAS) should be seized. … Read more

Covid-19. Is the fourth dose of vaccine mandatory for travel? We answer you

“Will the fourth dose be compulsory for travel in Europe and outside Europe? » The question is put to us by Ghislaine, from Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). No Ghislaine, you don’t need a fourth dose of vaccine once morest the Covid-19 to travel in Europe and outside Europe, answers the Directorate General of Health (DGS). Indeed, since … Read more