“Preventing Dementia: The Link between High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease”

2023-04-19 09:15:38 [VoiceofHopeApril192023](Editor: Li Wenhan) When it comes to dementia, most people will think of Alzheimer, but in fact, other factors such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease can lead to dementia. Foreign studies have pointed out that cardiovascular disease may cause brain cells to lose function or even die, thereby reducing the number … Read more

After Bayoumi Fouad’s statements – Does high blood pressure cause eye explosion?

the concerto The artist, Bayoumi Fouad, revealed in televised statements that one of his eyes was at risk of exploding, due to his severely high blood pressure. In the following report, The Consulto reviews the effect of high blood pressure on the eye, according to Medical News Today and AllAboutVision. Does high blood pressure cause … Read more

untrue! Blood pressure medication taken in the morning is more likely to have a stroke than taking it at other times.

Is blood pressure medication taken in the morning risky? Information on social media states that one episode “eating blood pressure medication In the morning, the risk of stroke is easy and blood pressure is poorly controlled. if compared to eating blood pressure medication At other times of the day, eating blood pressure medication It takes … Read more

Can high blood pressure be a sign of a heart attack?

Posted by Fatima Khalil Friday, March 17, 2023 06:00 PM heart disease Blood vessels are the leading cause of death globally. They claim 17.9 million lives each year, according to the World Health Organization. These diseases are a group of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels and include coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart … Read more

Protection against functional – but not cognitive – impairment

In over 65-year-olds with intermediate risk for cardiovascular disease who took the contraceptive pill with antihypertensive drugs and with a statin, functional losses (as measured by the Standard Assessment of Global Everyday Activities scale) were significantly reduced over 5 years compared to placebo . The cognitive losses did not differ between the two groups [1]. … Read more

Health Net “reverse high blood pressure!Nutritionist recommends “these 5 kinds” of food-Free Health Network

Li Wanping pointed out that dark green vegetables are rich in plant polyphenols, which are like sweeping robots for blood vessels, sweeping out dirt and benefiting the repair of cardiovascular diseases. (file photo) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]If you want to control high blood pressure, in addition to taking medicine, you can also stabilize blood pressure by … Read more

AI helps fundus image analysis to find out the relationship between blood vessel distortion, high blood pressure and heart disease | GeneOnline News

The retinal vascular pattern is not only related to eye health, but also an important indicator of cardiovascular health. Compared with other parts of the body, the blood vessels on the retina can be easily seen through fundus photography (Retinal imaging). Many researchers hope to obtain more information related to the state of the body … Read more