Japan will launch a train with a speed of 500 km/h

According to The Sun newspaper, the cost of the project to create a high-speed train that will travel along the Tokyo-Nagoya route will be 78 billion euros. Japan is home to high-speed trains, the first of which were built in 1964. According to project developers from the Central Japan Railway Company (CJRC), most of the … Read more

Scientists have created a material from graphite with magnetic levitation without external power

Magnetic levitation is widely used for frictionless sliding in toys, appliances, fittings and even trains (maglevs). But all this works from external power sources and sometimes very powerful ones, if we are talking about superconducting magnets for levitating trains. With permanent magnets it is a little easier, but there are limitations. Scientists from Japan tried … Read more

This is the magnetic shield that protects the Earth and makes life possible | Cosmic Void

It often happens that the most important thing goes completely unnoticed. For example, when was the last time he thought about the Earth’s magnetic field, if he ever did? Besides directing compass needles northward or migrating birds, does the Earth’s magnetic field have any other effect on our daily lives? Let’s start with a spoiler: … Read more