The Paraguayan Pro Tempore Presidency of Mercosur invites to the Preparatory Dialogue on Human Rights with civil society

Asunción, IP Agency.- The Paraguayan Pro Tempore Presidency of Mercosur (PPTP) calls on members of organizations and social movements in the region to participate in a day of virtual preparatory dialogue, scheduled for next Tuesday, April 30, with the purpose of contributing to strengthening participation of civil society organizations at the Meeting of High Authorities … Read more

Mercosur must open to ‘agreements with other countries’, says Argentine chancellor

RADIO HRN São Paulo.-A free trade agreement between China and Mercosur “would be good for all of us,” said Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino in Sao Paulo, advocating for a “modernization” of the bloc, following new difficulties in concluding an agreement with the European Union. . Mondino indicated the position of the government of ultra-liberal … Read more

Brazilian and French Presidents Launch Amazon Green Investment Plan – 2024-03-31 18:58:34

French President Emmanuel Macron and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, launched an Amazon green investment plan worth billions of euros.(AFP) French President Emmanuel Macron kicked off a visit to Brazil on Tuesday with the launch of a billion-euro Amazon green investment plan with his counterpart, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Their visit to the city … Read more

Lula and Sánchez demand that Israel stop the bombing in Gaza, which the Brazilian calls “genocide” | Spain

The war in Gaza became one of the most relevant issues of the joint press conference between Pedro Sánchez and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on a trip by the Spanish president with a clear economic content, designed to support Spanish companies in their attempt to expand in Brazil and access a part of the … Read more

FPÖ – AVISO: Tomorrow press conference with FPÖ agriculture spokesman Peter Schmielechner and Univ.-Prof. Christoph Urtz | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-11-26 12:45:11 Vienna (OTS) – We hereby invite our colleagues from the media to the following event: Monday, November 27, 2023, 11:00 a.m Press conference with FPÖ agriculture spokesman Peter Schmiedlechner and Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Christoph Urtz, LL.M. Location: FPÖ Media Center (Reichsratsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna, 3rd floor (6th elevator floor)) Topic: “Mercosur agreement leads … Read more

EU-Mercosur agreement: EU chief negotiator Rupert Schlegelmilch optimistic about agreement

2023-09-18 18:16:04 Conversation with MPs regarding opportunities and stumbling blocks Vienna (PK) – Negotiations for an association agreement between the EU and the Mercosur economic alliance, which consists of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, have been ongoing since 2000. Ecological and social concerns in particular had delayed the process so far. In September 2019, the … Read more

India, Brazil to work for expansion of PTA with Mercosur bloc

2023-09-10 16:09:01 India and Brazil on Sunday agreed to work together for the expansion of India-Mercosur preferential trade agreement (PTA) to further promote economic ties, an official statement said. Mercosur is a trading bloc in Latin America, comprising Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The issue came up for discussion during the meeting of Prime Minister … Read more

More than 50 environmental and human rights organizations are protesting against the EU-Mercosur disaster pact in Brussels

2023-07-17 13:44:06 Greenpeace and other organizations bring down the three-meter-high “EU Mercosur Jenga Tower” – Chancellor Nehammer has to reject the trade pact at the EU-Latin America summit Brussels/Vienna (OTS) – On the occasion of the EU-Latin America summit that started today, Greenpeace and a coalition of more than 50 organizations are protesting in Brussels … Read more