meteorological department Announcement No. 1 “Strong low pressure cell”

announcemeteorological department “Strong low pressure cell” No. 1 dated October 12, 2022 Intense low pressure cell on the island of the Philippines. It is likely to move into the Central South China Sea tonight (12 October 2022). It is expected to intensify. And moving closer to the coast of central Vietnam during 13-14 Oct. 65, … Read more

Today’s weather! Meteorological Department “weather forecast” all over Thailand. Heavy rain 60-80%.

reportclimate Date 12 September 2022 from “Meteorological Department” specify “Weather forecast” 24 hours ahead The moderate monsoon trough lies across the North, the Upper Central and the East. into a low pressure cell in southern Vietnam In addition, the southwest monsoon still prevails over the Andaman Sea, the South and the Gulf of Thailand. Like … Read more

“Forecast” for the next 7 days, the Meteorological Department warns Thailand still has heavy rain.

reportclimateIn the next 7 days from “meteorological department” specify “weather forecast” Between August 31, 2022 – September 6, 2022, it is expected that During 31 Aug. – 3 Sept. 65, the weak southwest monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea, Thailand and the Gulf of Thailand and southeasterly winds prevail over the lower Northeast. causing Thailand … Read more

Meteorological Department forecasts for the eastern region, the south of Bangkok, thunderstorms with 60% today

On August 30, 2022, the Meteorological Department, 24-hour weather forecast. The eastern wind wave moves to cover the upper southern region and the upper Andaman Sea. In addition, the southwest monsoon is prevailing over the lower Andaman Sea. Like this, Thailand still has thunderstorms to occur. and there is heavy rain in some areas in … Read more

Today’s weather! Meteorological Department “weather forecast” north – northeast, heavy to very heavy rain

reportclimate daily August 12, 2022 from “meteorological department” specify “weather forecast“In the next 24 hours, the North and the Northeast haveheavy to very heavy rainIn some places, people in the area are asked to be careful of the dangers ofheavy to very heavy rain and accumulated rain that may causeflash floodandflowing wild water especially the … Read more

The Meteorological Department has announced the 11th issue of “Temper Mulan” warning 14 provinces of heavy to very heavy rain.

announcemeteorological department “Depression Mulan” No. 11 dated August 11, 2022 At 22.00 today (11 Aug 65) Depression “Mulan” Southern Yunnan Province, China, with a center regarding 180 kilometers north of Chiang Rai Province, or latitude 22.0 degrees north, longitude 100.5 degrees east, with a maximum wind speed near the center of regarding 50 kilometers per … Read more

Meteorological Department “weather forecast” for the next 7 days. Heavy rain across Thailand. Keep an eye on tropical cyclones

reportclimateIn the next 7 days from “meteorological department” specify “weather forecast” during the day Between August 3, 2022 – August 9, 2022, it is expected that During the 4th – 5th Aug. 65 The monsoon trough is weakening over Myanmar, upper Laos and upper Vietnam. into a low pressure cell in the upper Vietnam While … Read more

“Forecast” for the next 7 days indicates that Thailand will be raining heavily. risk of flash floods

reportclimateIn the next 7 days from “meteorological department” specify “weather forecast” Between July 21, 2022 – July 27, 2022, it is expected that During 21 – 23 Jul 65, the monsoon trough lies across the North. The northeastern and central regions, together with the moderate southwest monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea, the South and … Read more